G15 PMN robotics by Aristo Tacoma G15 PMN Spreadsheet, also called "GPS", is an application using the core definitions of FCM inside G15 PMN. FCM is, as a term coined in 2006 by Aristo Tacoma [cfr Firth OS platform, on a CD derived from FreeDOS] first as 'First-hand relationship to data'--in the evolved form, First-hand Computerized Mentality, is an approach to the type of software required in the computers that run robots (whether inside of the robotic machinery and sensory apparatus or located out of it), without the narrowing, reductive assumptions on human intelligence typically implied in the concept of "Artificial Intelligence". The notion of first- handedness is that of a simplicity going beyond any statistical approach or the handling of algorithms too complex for human understanding to set a defining limit to just what type of robotic programming is acceptable. This is achievable within the 32-bit personal computer. The main Spreadsheet app for G15 PMN is an application using the FCM definitions inside the Third Foundation. This can easily be extended and also modified to serve as main control panel, in a sense, for FCM applications doing real-time robotics. Consult also the five-volume Art of Thinking series about this. Aristo Tacoma is editor of the BERLiNiB Fashion magazine Aristo Tacoma is an artist name for Stein Henning Reusch Bråten, and his father, prof. emeritus Stein Bråten, is a guide in the robot project The approach taken by the G15 PMN programming language platform, see www.g15pmn.com which refers to norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm, which comes along with a complete concept of a CPU, namely, the G15 CPU [in a practical virtual implementation, or PVI,--ie, emulated, when the G15 PMN is performed in 32-bit or 64-bit x86 or ARM Linux; with some versions also available for MS Windows and FreeDOS], is this: the encouragement of a "first-hand relationship to data", ie, where all, or as many as meaningfully possible, of the elements of the data process are psychologically making sense, directly, to the programmer's mind. This concept, summarized in the phrase 'first-hand programming' as coined by this writer, Aristo Tacoma, in 2006 in connection with the first experiments with this sort of language, in what was called the Firth Platform [the Firth platform still exists], and has its analogy in 'first-hand mechanics' and, by the concept (also by A.T.) of Intraplates, in 'first-hand electronics' which includes 'first-hand digital electronics' as a particular field. While the latter two are mostly, at this stage, in planning, the first-hand mechanics--and, as a sub- field, first-hand robotics, which can be informally spoken of as 'open robotics', is being concretely implemented together with the FCM software connected to GPS, the G15 PMN Spreadsheet, to steer just such robotics. The FCM, concept, meanwhile, is an articulation of just how far it makes sense to speak of a mentality connected to a robot: in contrast to any pompeous concept with scarcely any insightful philosophical foundation such as "Artificial Intelligence" or "Machine Learning", the FCM concept takes as starting- point that human minds expresses themselves in a variety of forms; and an example is how the genius of Leonardo da Vinci expresses himself in both drawings and mechanical constructions and artworks; his mind is being expressed. The expression of a human mind through first-hand programmed computers and first-hand mechanics is the FCM concept: First-Hand Computerized Mentality. The G15 PMN FCM package is part of the G15 PMN Third Foundation software. A novel form, easier to use with practical robotics, is the FCMiii software. LINK TO THE THIRD FOUNDATION APP, app# 3,333,333: /////Appnum: 3333333 Three apps that start out on the GPS Robotics journey: G15 CORE PATTERN MAKE 5551234 As described in the Art of Thinking, volume 3: This app is extended towards ENTRAINMENT with app #5551269 and the effects of these apps are explored in the 'PATMAT SHEETS' app #5553588, which is an expansion of the G15 Spreadsheet to accomodate pattern matching. /////Appnum: 5551234 G15 CORE PATTERN ENTRAINMENT 5551269 The core patterns come from app# 5551234. For professional robot pattern matching as part of FCM, create a pan set that is context specific and with consistent set of relevant keywords. /////Appnum: 5551269 PATMAT SHEETS 5553588 Patmatsheets, this app, is the exact full core of the PMWORK app #5554000. This is the standard G15 Spreadsheet {which has app number 3555558} expanded elegantly with a some new script functions, made in a readable, first-hand way, on top of the spreadsheet source. These new script functions, sometimes called 'scrpt', can be used within the spreadsheets to show images and call on the pattern matching core feature detection elements found in apps #5551234 and #5551269. Be sure that this app is provided with minimum 5 pans, but more usually some thousand pans and maximum 6000 pans; be sure that every pan has been made with a match pattern that indeed has some matches and is not just a blank set, and that every pan has some keywords. Give the correct number of pans to the 'patmat' scrpt; this is easy and obvious in the ready-made example at K1 which you can load with the F3 button as soon as you start this up. Note that the 'patmat' loads in the quantity of pans given to it just once, and this as soon as the 'patmat' is used in a spreadsheet, no matter its other parameters. In effect, this means that you can experiment with a smaller number of pans than the initial number set, but to go higher, you must quit and restart the program so that next 'patmat' is used in a sheet, it has the highest number at once. As said, every pan must have values, both keywords and match values, with no blank pans. The code is simply added on top: there is no hierarchy of the G15 PMN code in this case; it is a simple matter of adding new script functions to the flawless, standard G15 PMN FCM Spreadsheet, fitting within the FCM nodes. They can bring with them their own data structures and fetch input from fields in the spreadsheet and give output to them. Note that the whole spreadsheet AND this program fits in just around 800 cards on top of the TF, and that it has been made on the premises of not changing a single thing inside the spreadsheet itself. However if you push the use of the inbuilt spreadsheet script functions relative to these new ones, you may experiment how to make them work well together. Eg, when you use 'egshow' it shows an image on top of other fields and by unshowing it properly, you restore the formatting under the image which is important before other functions write over it. /////Appnum: 5553588 A contact email for Aristo Tacoma, who is also editor of BERLiNiB fashion magazine, is berlinib@aol.com.