Aristo Tacoma [[[ESSAY as at Written talk. redist license. Consult published works as at which are containing key concepts connected to what this writer calls 'neopopperian science' and also 'supermodel theory', which involve also perceptive processes -- concepts effortlessly drawn upon here.]]] THE HOLISM OF THE BRAIN AND WHY HUMAN PERCEPTION IS ALWAYS UNFINISHED -- And a first-hand program example, PATMAT18, with pattern matching showing a bit of how the brain works in a context mentioning also subtle energies ***Program is available separately from this essay so that you can start it at once -- it needs no extra files -- but can generate files -- save to the normal boehmian in a normal f3 dosbox and type F3 and, after lineshift, :PATMAT18 IN to start it up. It generates PAIRS of files for each teaching you give it, -- matrix files with numbers reflecting connectionist nets. [[[Please also get the 2 small screen images as found at to view when mentioned within.]]] Soon, next time I think, instead of ordinary mini- seminar there will be the GAME.TXT, which is what we can call a blueprint of non-simulation games to stimulate for various types of fun. Many things can become a simulation unless one watches it. Soft lines can become a simulation if put in a game-context, so also any degree of natural language matching. But in the previous essay we did soft lines (lips), and here we will do some pattern matching that can TEACH us something of pattern matching also within language forms. And this teaching is a stimulation, not a simulation, not something that can create a sluggishness in mind, for it won't confuse. So having this behind us, we can next explore GAME programming language (historically, Lisa GJ2 Fic3 with all of LIGHT3D then with some game menu extensions) at ease with its stimulating cubicles which are having no problems with simulation at all -- and still we are aware of how the computer can do other things also, but we don't try to push so much into the game it becomes, at any area, a simulation that can compete with reality. We know of the fact that the computer can do much more than the stimulation game, in a sense, and so we can relish in this sense of power that the computer can infuse us with -- if that's the phrase I want -- knowing well that this power has not been misused. So this is a little bit unusual essay. In contrast to how we usually do it in these essays, in these workshops, or mini-seminars, this time -- the program has grown absolutely out of all beginner's simplicity and for this we sweetly apologise! However, it is enormously simple in use. And it has to have size to do real good super ultra pattern matching on features and how they fit, so that we can use it to get at least some good inkling of that far greater complexity of the living human brain and even that is tiny compared to the immeasurably greater magnitude of the mind itself -- including the heart, soul, spirits. The brain is one whole, and this wholeness is rich enough that it can partake in recognising various possibilities that something seen, heard, touched, tasted, sensed in any way, might resemble -- not just one or two possibilities, but three and more. We will see how the program can be given some input so that when you draw two faces in profile looking at each other, the program can suggest, given a proper training of the program, to which a slight dose of synchronicity and luck is added, that it is (1) profiles (2) a vase (3) a stylish new cooking apparatus The holism, the wholeness of the brain (see also the essay on the holographic paradigm, earlier on), can then handle such ambiguity of form, and these various possibilities may in some cases be able to exist simultaneously, while in other cases there is extra information to indicate that one negates the other possibilities. But more generally, the grander stance we must take, is to realise this quintessential point: that human perception is forever incomplete and unfinished, it is a series of proposals but there is no finality to it. Consider this bunch of stars, asterix symbols, which will look a little different in some fonts and with some line spacings, but seen in something like courier or the b9 font, it will be relatively much the same -- at least if we get it all on the same page, not divided over more pages: * * * * * These five stars, or what we call them, can be seen or perceived as one line -- going a little up, then a lot more beneath, only to raise steeply, reading from left to right. It can be seen as two lines, each similar in size and both raising up to the right, and one star between and under both. It can be seen as a bit of a solar system, where the intended meaning is that the middle star under them all is the sun and the other four stars symbolise planets encircling this sun in different orbits. It can be part of a computer code, a digit series used by robots to identify a particular strawberry jam, where the rightmost line has one star at position 4, or so, to indicate that the first digit is 4, then the next digit is 4, or so, to the left of this, and we move leftwards to the leftmost digit which is something like two. A dancer may jot the stars to indicate the position of the spread legs of one dancer to the right -- the three stars there -- and the position of the standing dancer, her legs tightly together at the moment, feet indicated by the two stars to the left. A school teacher can use the stars to indicate the arrangement of some pupils working in groups. The stars may indicate the periphery of a swimming pool. Shall we go on? This is how human perception is: it is always unfinished, always a process, always a succession of proposals. According to what we call 'supermodel theory', there is infinitely more to the universe than matter and bodies and their brains. There is a realm of the subtle, and this is superior in complexity and dominance relative to the matter. The so-called quantum phenomena hint on this. Features of gravitation as indicated by what has been called general relativity theory also hint on a deeper arrangement. The mechanical worldview is false. The human brain is therefore NEVER ONLY a program nor the physical equivalent to a program, such as a causal machine, a physically wired computer. Rather, the proper understanding of reality is a ceaseless holistic interchange between the manifest -- matter -- and its energy forms -- and that which to human senses appear to be unmanifest or more subtle than known energy, so that the unmanifest or subtle is to use the words of the physicist de Broglie (cfr his revised Bohm-influenced pilot wave version of quantum theory post-1951, where he broke with Niels Bohr as regards nature of quantum phenomena and he broke with Einstein as regards not conceeding absolute significance to the speed of light for nonlocality) -- piloting matter, piloting energy. The vocabulary for this is more sophisticated and the understanding immeasurably more holistic in the supermodel theory. We now see the human brain and its perception as an unfinished process, a holistic process, which never can be assertative about ANY DEEPER DIFFERENCES IN REALITY, -- in other words, it can never see essence -- but perception is pervading the nonmanifest aspect of the universe in a way transcending all humans. And so, armed by a worldview of the type that the christian philosopher G. Berkeley advised, all reality is seen as within a much larger (infinitely larger) theological mind-reality, which can include and indeed does include the absolute perception of God and his highest beings, or muses. Cooked into its essentials, it means that whereas human perception is forever unfinished and relative, -- so human enlightenment is at best relative -- the universe has higher beings whose perception in essence is finished, complete, total and absolute -- God and his muses and their submuses. The subtler aspects of the human being (theologically, as we are now endavouring to bring into the essay) -- souls, spirits -- can, at best, touch on the perceptions in exalted glimpses of the higher beings. But these glimpses must remain relative. In meditation, souls and spirits, subtle energies, which physically can be understood through supermodel theory, influence perception, humour, feeling, actions -- it's all a question of coherence, how pure one's apparatus is, receiving and communicating with the subtle levels. To understand more about the liveliness of perception is obviously helping your artistic eye. It shows you more about how to view things from many more possible angles than before, knowing the richness, the possibilities which are always existing in any artwork. Note that in explicit form we only touch on SOME forms of perception in this sizable but easy-to-use program. You feed it with your quantum sketches, in a nine times nine matrix of pixels you can put on and off with mouse clicks. This can however be representing a set of conceptual evaluations, even in terms of output from a tuned PATMATnn program founded on just this PATtern MATtching program as included at the completion of this essay. You type in a name for perhaps a fairly abstract but suggestive low-res outline of a figure -- such as PROFILE and the plural PROFILES, VASE, STYLISH-COOKER, -- or CUP, PLATE, CHAIR, whatever you want to "teach" the program. It takes a bit of getting knack of it, resonating well with dancers, dancing with the program. Then you switch mode and draw something and ask it to do pattern matching. In raw form in Dosbox it may take a lot of thinking time and that shows to you, when you also look at the program more closely (try also its CTR-E verbosE output when you study the functions), in a first-hand sense what perception is all about, perhaps. It will come up with possibilities, up to 3, -- from what you have already given it. The enormously lo-res (low resolution, ie, visible pixels so that we can understand the binary features) sketch -- confer the screen image examples -- of what can be interpreted as two faces watching each other, is very certainly ambigious enough that it can be a vase or a stylish cooker and so on and all three examples pop up since this is a holistic process in the brain -- simply illustrated here. Explore! Expand your horisons! But never claim to have got to the absolute! Image suggest for one single drawing A-VASE PROFILES STYLISH-COOKER without more than some sweet PATMAT18 work hesitance, with 'teaching of the computer' with any number of images. There is then no essential difference between handling a figure involving one type of foreground and another involving a switching of foreground and background or conceptually, as form, turning around the interpretation of pixels completely. There can be any one, two, three, and more, interpretations, widely apart, rather instantly rendered as clear suggestions for one and the same holistically tuned unity of consciousness network, effortlessly encompassing dyadic complementaries, triadic complementaries, quadruplic complementaries, and all sorts of other types of natural distinctions. In other words, there is no difference in essence: consciousness is one holistic intuitive soulful flow beyond any diagram, beyond any duality. There is in essence no duality. That is the real understanding of the vase profile classical image puzzle. A properly tuned connectionist net does not have to be divided into pieces handlings things in disparate ways to be able to stay out of the snare of looking towards conformity with an equillibrium. Rather, wholeness is creatively rich in contrasts and similarities in a reverberating symphony, and this wholeness is, moreover, grounded not in any mechanism but in intent, a divine intent, beyond knowing. This is the natural theosophy and natural philosophy one must have when one ALSO looks into various features such as of the brain. There is no particular element of the brain -- neither its capacity to mirror or turn perspectives nor its connectivity with the body -- that more than anything else IS consciousness. Rather, consciousness is a supermodel of a subtle kind strongly related to the whole of the flux of the brain as we've endavoured to explain well earlier. These words may be not obvious to all, and the concepts are a bit involved, but the challenge here was to avoid over-simplifications in understanding of the very material and beyond-material essences of being. Let's have natural highs! That's being. [[[Look at ../fic3inf3/essay20111112-a.jpg here & now]]] [[[Look at ../fic3inf3/essay20111112-b.jpg here & now]]] The PATMAT18 is, I think, a workhorse of perception and can stimulate intuition and it has roles in the private works behind the search engine. Note, for good exploration: the program does not store the images you teach it on the nine times nine 'short-term memory pad'. Rather, it stores, for convenience, a kind of feature comment on it -- composed of just ten numbers. This feature comment is then compared to new images it is given to match. The comparison allows approximation, conceptual similarities and contrasts to come forth, and reverberances. It is a matrix involving a kind of 'flat' connected list of such ten number summaries of the conceptual aspects. But such flat lists, when thought about and intelligently used, can be engage in all sorts of networks and also partially hierarchical networks -- such as found in the brain -- without changing the underlaying structure. An example of this is the 'flat' connected list of the Lisa GJ2 Fic3 program, or GAME program, itself -- it is in sequence related to the program text, and no function claims a particular position, there is 'equality under the law'. And yet a well-thought program BEHAVES in a networking manner when semantically analysed. The computer lends itself esp. to serial structures like these. Why nine times nine pad? Why ten numbers? Why is the psychological make-up of your mind tuned to just such groupings -- making it easier to remember some such amount of items, or almost that many, rather than, say, fifteen or fifty? This is part of the beauty and simplicity and wholeness of perception, and what in supermodel theory is called PMW -- the principle of a tendency of movement towards wholeness -- that, in essence, perception unites us all -- US ALL. Exploring it is also exploring beauty, love, synchronistic luck. And so.. GOOD LUCK!!! }* PATMAT18.TXT WRITTEN BY A.T. with L.A.H., }* }* copyright -- redist. }* }* Also for essay20111112 in fic3inf3. }* }* Available also at }* }* NOTE THAT THERE ARE SEVERAL STRONG WAYS OF INCREASING SPEED }* }* OF THIS PATTERN RECOGNITION PROGRAM DEPENDING ON FULL CONTEXT. }* }* HOWEVER IN ITS MOST GENERAL FORM, TO ACCOMODATE AND APPRECIATE }* }* A RICHER AND FULLER U N D E R S T A N D I N G OF WHAT THE }* }* BRAIN'S PROCESSES OF PERCEPTION ARE, IN A FIRST-HAND WAY, }* }* IT IS BEST THAT THE PROGRAM WORKS AT A RELAXED PACE. }* }* PLEASE NOTE: IN THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS THERE ARE ALSO WORTHY }* }* EXTENSIONS TO THE MTDOC MANUAL, ALSO ON WARPS -- AND TECHNICAL }* }* AND SOME PHILOSOPHICAL COMMENTS ABOUT THE PATMATnn APPROACH }* }* TO THINKING ABOUT BRAIN/MIND/SOUL ETC. WRITTEN BACK'N'FORTH ;) }* }* This program is capable of being very exceedingly fruitful }* }* when enabled correctly in suitable contexts also by extensions. }* }* It has attained a RICH size that makes it -- as far as }* }* pedagogical program text goes -- not at all easy to read }* }* except in a poetical, nonanalytical mood, for anyone who is }* }* beginning to learn programming. But it makes up for that by }* }* being fairly informative and easy to comprehend in actual use! }* }* A great number of routines have been made into warps for }* }* enormous flexibility. This means that instead of calling a }* }* routine directly it is called by function-HOUSE >>> => H }* }* where ..-HOUSE is a variable made, usually, just before the }* }* normal version of the function is made. This normal version }* }* may often be called ..-STD, meaning -STANDARD. }* }* When a program, like this, is full of use of warp houses, it }* }* means that while the program in general works rather just as }* }* fast as a program written without the -HOUSE >>> => H approach, }* }* (except perhaps minutely a noticable difference if there }* }* is exact timing combined with a large amount of looping }* }* indeed), you can find it poetically easy to expand the program }* }* -- incorporating it inside a larger program document, where }* }* for any function-house warped to, you can allow a new function }* }* inhabit that house -- and then another, then another, and so }* }* on. For instance, imagine that you suddenly wanted to use this }* }* program in a Dosbox in such a context that you wanted all of }* }* it, graphically, to work twice as fast, with half as many }* }* pauses for how long to click the mouse, how much wait before }* }* screen update. Then write a routine that halves the value }* }* given to it before it is passed on to GOODPAUSE, and if you }* }* then write something like (if you call it QUICK-GOODWAIT) }* }* :QUICK-GOODWAIT ; GOODWAIT-HOUSE => WARP-INTO }* }* and voila! This will change it -- even if it is added at the }* }* completion of the program text -- OR EVEN if it is performed }* }* inside a new menu option that you have made, so as to toggle }* }* increased speed. Hence, menu options, such as with CTR-keys, }* }* are also warp-houses here, naturally! }* }* If the word WARP-INTO had been marked COMPILETIME after it }* }* was defined, it could not have been used inside a program with }* }* any ease, but it supposed to work also inside programs. }* }* If you do a great deal of changing of what functions inhabit }* }* or live in which houses during program run, you will want to }* }* avoid too much use of looking up the program NAME during }* }* program run. The use of => WARPADDRESS or => ? as is within }* }* WARP-INTO is a looking up of name. It would be quicker to do }* }* with the looking up of name during compilation, store the }* }* ordinary number value -- the genuine warp itself -- right into }* }* an array of numbers, and rather pick the numbers from this }* }* array at performance time. This will be slightly more work but }* }* the PC will then have to work really not any much harder at all }* }* to handle even very sophisticated warp schemes. }* }* Note that even when you do not explicitly use function houses,}* }* it is possible and right to regard every f3 program as }* }* made up by warps, which you can change around, peek and poke }* }* and do all sorts of things with. But it is informative to the }* }* programmer and easier to think with plenty of changes of warps }* }* when we do it explicitly. There are also, vaguely, some more }* }* levels of freedom when we explicitly use warp houses. }* }* This vocabulary, this frame of understanding, this natural }* }* ease of dealing with warps ENTIRELY as ordinary numbers, are }* }* a holistic framework entirely originally developed with the }* }* Lisa GJ2 Fic3 language for the first time in computer history. }* }* -- that's why the extra words here are put in, as extension of }* }* the manual, to make things even more clear. }* }* As indicated elsewhere, when we deal with warps, we are }* }* doing HYPERCONNECT to call on the function, where the single }* }* letter H is a synonym for this. There are several other single }* }* letters which are having worthwhile functions -- A, T, Y and }* }* and more, and then there are some -- U, B and more, which have }* }* no longer any clear function in the conventional setup. }* }* We mention this here since I am not sure this latter has been }* }* indicated either in MTDOC or in later essays. Watch out for }* }* avoiding calling on any such obsolate single-letter functions }* }* as they may cause compilation exit or program exit. To look }* }* at compilation while it happens COMPILEVISIBLE COMPILEPAUSED }* }* are very worthy words, which can be occasionally put in, }* }* see MTDOC for several variations of these, in case. The word }* }* LIGHTER affects text mode font slightly, and DARKER sets it }* }* back to standard -- these words are briefly used here to check }* }* syntax of the features which are foundational in the general }* }* feature detection, netted over while there is teaching of new }* }* stuff to the general learning algorithm here. }* }* Just to re-iterate, philosophically, a point: }* }* THIS IS NOT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Rather, this is real }* }* intelligence in making a program which affirms sensitivity }* }* for the fact that the brain is not mechanical, and that }* }* everyone must call on intuitive conscience and this is more }* }* important than intellectual skillfullness and smartness. }* }* In supermodel theory, there is no significance to nature as }* }* "actual-past-source" of humanity -- hence, it is reached a }* }* clear negation of the false theology of darwinism and its }* }* modifications with more modern (and partly real) studies of }* }* genes such as into what is called 'neo-darwinism'. }* }* Anyway, when a warp-address of a function is to be put into }* }* a function house or variable, then one can either use phrases }* }* such as :funcname => WARPADDRESS funcname-HOUSE < ? funcname-HOUSE < SUB => INC => >N9 )) }* }* The reason this works is that N2 always has highest count. }* }* For more speed, use the phrase, for still more, do the INC }* }* and other arithmetic of it before the loop. Still faster to }* }* use FORVPM and more variable stack, or assembly inline. }* }* Also, when you make functions with very very long names, }* }* keep the distinctive part of them at the beginning of the names }* }* especially when these have the same lengths. The compiler stores}* }* the length of a function name and many of its starting }* }* characters but only up to a limit. An example: if you call a }* }* function ALPHA-HOUSE-ON-TOP-OF-THE-STREET-1 and intend to make }* }* another function referring to STREET-9 then move the STREET- }* }* part to the beginning of both: STREET-1-ALPHA-HOUSE-ON-TOP }* }* and then this is certainly distinct also to the compiler from }* }* anything called STREET-9-ALPHA-HOUSE-ON-TOP. But we have of }* }* course only letters not digits as beginning of a name. }* }* This also refers to variables. }* }* There are several notions first explained in MTDOC used here. }* }* PHILOSOPHICALLY & SCIENTIFICALLY PLS READ ESSAYS AS BACKGROUND. }* }* The words inside the program are big and suggestive but the }* }* context is, as usual, and as indicated in all our essays, }* }* that the human being is not a machine, that the brain is }* }* not reducible to mechanical causation patterns, but is part, }* }* in a very much larger (even infinitely larger) holographic }* }* process connecting to subtle energies as indicated in our }* }* super-model theory. This perceptive process do however entail }* }* some neural connections and some feature detection, as close }* }* studies of the mapping of neurons with their synapses and }* }* dendrites and axons, and the glia-cells they swim in, show. }* }* Intuition goes beyond the brain, BUT: }* }* The brain has many billions of neurons and very many more times }* }* the glia cells and in addition is connected to all of the body }* }* including to the heart, which is a kind of muscle also, and }* }* to the gut -- and this is holistically activated in dancing }* }* meditation given a righteous background with most coherent }* }* actions. Learning happens best in playfulness and with sexual }* }* metaphors at a childlike level incl. alpha waves of EEG type, }* }* with lower frequences but larger amplitudes than the beta }* }* waves -- and still slower frequences than alpha, which is about }* }* a dozen cycles pr second, or hertz, are also relevant for }* }* quick and deep learning. However these waves are but manifest }* }* and entirely and altogether faster frequences happens at a }* }* nonlocal level -- enabled for the coherent human brain. }* }* This program is directly connected to such notions of brain. }* }* But much as it is generative in its artistic suggestiveness, }* }* the big words inside the program are meant to remind the }* }* creative girl thinker to connect to larger meditative themes }* }* and never ever confuse the coherent brain with a machine. }* }* Also, perception takes place at many levels, the body with its }* }* brain non-essential. }* }* We see here how QSORT2 is intrinsically part of perception. }* }* For those VERY FAR into understanding this program, the }* }* following is a mnemonics for some technicalities within it: }* }* The features in full are here: FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET }* }* qty (quantity): ACT-FEATURES }* }* the colons and slashes are here: SENSORY-ORGAN }* }* in terms of s.m.resonances, we have some buffers between the }* }* sensory aspects and the recognition aspects, and we also keep }* }* keep activity on top of the perception matrix (netted feat.) }* }* mouse sketch here: MANIFEST-SENSATION }* }* -- to colons before anything further }* }* maps of feature coherence scores here: NETTED-FEATURES }* }* qty in map: HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES }* }* when swinging, the colons etc go to top of features in full, }* }* ie, in FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET, index ACT-FEATURES plus 1 }* }* matching involves nondestructive swinging max one bit. }* }* this one must consider when making conceptual sense matrices }* }* to be perceived upon, that neighbouring pixels are meaning- }* }* resonating somewhat, and when allowing mirroring, also these. }* }* To find the score for each, the }* }* ie, in NETTED-FEATURES, index HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES plus 1 }* }* is handy as temporary variable. }* }* to be sorted when more than one: }* }* sortlist only includes if less discrepancy than some, }* }* which is to say higher score than a level -- }* }* we have by initial variables set total score 5000 on each. }* }* the score is tuned so that presence of some extra on the }* }* "retina" matters somewhat less, as for feature detection. }* }* this number must be selected intuitively afresh if one changes }* }* SENSED-QUANTA. }* }* the notion of swinging is that the particular positioning on }* }* the perceptive pad such as the retina of the eye or the }* }* exact frequency of the voice is not going to be critical for }* }* recognition to occur but preprocessing should occur if one }* }* puts a moving camera-like object to wire with PATMAT18 as it }* }* for good reasons swings only a tiny bit. }* }* By the way, a personal perceptive experience every artist can }* }* do is to show a photo of a known face on the computer and then }* }* look at it when standing on one's head. Is it just as easily }* }* recognised? Swinging left right and turnaround-left-right is }* }* usually more easy for it is more common and so more important. }* }* GOOD LUCK!!! From: A.T. with L.A.H. }* ((DATA VERBOSE-MODE VERBOSE-MODE => SETBASIS )) }* THIS VERBOSE-MODE SHOULD REMAIN SETBASIS DURING COMPILATION, }* }* BUT IN THE COMPLETING LINES OF THE PROGRAM IT CAN, IF ONE }* }* LIKES, BE CHANGED BY SETDANCE BEFORE STARTING THE PROGRAM. }* }* THIS IS BECAUSE THE MODE NORMALLY OUTPUTS GRAPHICS IN SOME }* }* FUNCTIONS EASILY USED DURING TEXT-MODE COMPILATION STARTUP. }* ((DATA HIGHER-LEVEL-PATMAT-TOP-SCORE 1,000,000 => RICH HIGHER-LEVEL-PATMAT-TOP-SCORE < WARPADDRESS => ONE ; -1 => EQN (MATCHED (( ; ; ; && RM ; )) (( ; CRLN CRLN )) (( ; }As programmer, pls check function} => POPS ; )) (( ; => POP )) (( ENTERPLS )) (( XO ; EXIT )) MATCHED) ; ; ; )) (( ; ; => < %MAKE CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN < SETDANCE )) ((DATA ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL :: => GETASCII ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL < GETASCII ASCII-NUM-FOR-SLASH-SYMBOL <>> => ONE => RAM-PM MANIFEST-SENSATION < MAKETWO MATCH-SCORE-ARRAY-INDEX < >VARSTR )) ((DATA FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; TOT-FEATURES >>> ; 10 => ADD => MUL )) => RAM-PM FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET < SETBASIS )) ((DATA HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES => SETBASIS )) ((DATA SENSORY-ORGAN SENSED-QUANTA >>> => ONE => RAM-PM SENSORY-ORGAN < SETDANCE )) (( LOOKSTK )) (LET SENSE BE (( ; )) (( (( 0 => >N8 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> => >N3 )) (( ; => LENGTH => >N8 ; )) (( ; N8 ; N3 => NOT_INTEQUAL ; THIS-PATTERN-LINE >>> ; N3 => INTGREATER => ORR (MATCHED (( ; RM ; CRLN ; CRLN )) (( }AS PROGRAMMER, PLS CHK THIS. TKS.} => POP )) (( ENTERPLS )) (( XO ; EXIT )) MATCHED) ; )) (( ; N8 (COUNT (( ; N1 => CHN => >N8 ; )) (( ; ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL >>> ; N8 => NOT_INTEQUAL ; ASCII-NUM-FOR-SLASH-SYMBOL >>> ; N8 => NOT_INTEQUAL => AND (MATCHED (( ; RM ; CRLN ; CRLN )) (( }AS PROGRAMMER, PLS CHK IT OUT. TKS.} => POP )) (( ENTERPLS )) (( RMS RMS ; XO ; EXIT )) MATCHED) ; )) COUNTUP) ; )) (( ; THIS-PATTERN-LINE >>> ; SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => TEXT>MATRIX )) (( THIS-PATTERN-LINE => INCVAR )) )) OK) (LET SENS BE (( ; )) (( (( ; THIS-PATTERN-LINE >>> ; SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => TEXT>MATRIX )) (( THIS-PATTERN-LINE => INCVAR )) )) OK) ((DATA GOODWAIT-HOUSE )) (LET GOODWAIT-DOSBOX BE (( >N1 )) (( (( N1 => GOODPAUSE )) )) OK) (( }GOODWAIT-DOSBOX} ; GOODWAIT-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (LET MAYBE-SHOW-B9-POP-STARS BE (( )) (( (( ^120000000 FR GETV ; 88,888,888 => RICH => INTGREATER (MATCHED (( SHOW-B9-POP-STARS-WHILE-PERCEIVING => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( 25 => MAKEBL ; 10 ; 735 => FT B9-POP )) (( 42 ; 12 => FUNNYRFFG ; ^9 FR GETV => ADD => MAKECH ; 10 ; 735 => B9-POP )) MATCHED) )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) ((DATA VERBOSE-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE )) (LET VERBOSE-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-STD BE (( >N1 )) (( (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( FT )) (( 800 ; 535 ; 825 ; 560 ; 1 => RECTFILL )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; N1 => DEC => MUL => >N4 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N1 ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => GM => ISPRO (MATCHED (( 805 ; N1 => ADD ; 540 ; N3 => ADD ; 0 => PUTPIXEL )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( 20 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( && )) )) OK) (( }VERBOSE-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-STD} ; VERBOSE-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA VERBOSE-2ND-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE )) (LET VERBOSE-2ND-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-STD BE (( >N1 )) (( (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( FT )) (( 800 ; 595 ; 825 ; 620 ; 1 => RECTFILL )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; N1 => DEC => MUL => >N4 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N1 ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => GM => ISPRO (MATCHED (( 805 ; N1 => ADD ; 600 ; N3 => ADD ; 0 => PUTPIXEL )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( 60 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( && )) )) OK) (( }VERBOSE-2ND-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-STD} ; VERBOSE-2ND-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (LET MUSCLE-SMOOTHLY-HERE-IN-PAINLESS-FEATURE BE (( >N1 )) (( (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => & )) (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; N1 => DEC => MUL => >N4 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N1 ; N3 ; ## => GM ; ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL >>> => EQN (MATCHED (( 0 ; N1 ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) )(OTHER (( 1 ; N1 ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( N1 => VERBOSE-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) (( && && )) )) OK) (LET MIRROR-MUSCLE-SMOOTHLY-HERE-IN-PAINLESS-FEATURE BE (( >N1 )) (( (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => & )) (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; N1 => DEC => MUL => >N4 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N1 ; N3 ; ## => GM ; ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL >>> => EQN (MATCHED (( 0 ; N2 ; N1 => SUB => INC ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) )(OTHER (( 1 ; N2 ; N1 => SUB => INC ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( N1 => VERBOSE-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK )) (LET LISTEN-TO-FEATURE BE (( )) (( (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => & )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> => >N1 )) (( THIS-PATTERN-LINE >>> ; N1 => INC => NOT_INTEQUAL (MATCHED (( CRLN ; CRLN )) (( }AS A PROGRAMMER, PLS CHK THIS. TKS.} => POP )) (( ENTERPLS )) (( && ; XO ; EXIT )) MATCHED) )) (( ACT-FEATURES => INCVAR )) (( ACT-FEATURES >>> => MUSCLE-SMOOTHLY-HERE-IN-PAINLESS-FEATURE )) (( THIS-PATTERN-LINE => SETDANCE )) (( # => CLEAR-MATRIX )) (( && )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK VISIBLECOMPILATION LIGHTER )) }* THE FOLLOWING ARE CONSTITUTIVE FEATURES }* }* OF ALL PATTERNS QUANTUM-REPRESENTED AS }* }* WITHIN THE 9 x 9 MATRIX. THESE FEATURES }* }* DO NOT RESTRICT THE NUMBER OF PATTERNS THAT }* }* THE NETWORK CAN HANDLE AT ALL!!! INDEED, }* }* THESE FEATURES ARE ABSTRACT OR GENERAL }* }* ENOUGH, COMBINED WITH 1 BIT-SWINGING, THAT }* }* FIRST-HAND COMPUTERISED MENTALITY WITH }* }* PATTERNS DERIVED FROM HIGHER-LEVEL }* }* FUNCTIONS CAN BE PERCEIVED OVER WITH THE }* }* SAME PROGRAM. }* }:::::/:/:} SENSE }::::/:/:/} SENSE }::::////:} SENSE }:::://:::} SENSE }::://::::} SENSE }:://:::::} SENSE }://::::::} SENSE }/::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE (( LISTEN-TO-FEATURE )) }:/:::/::/} SENSE }::/::/:/:} SENSE }:::/://::} SENSE }:::/:/:::} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }:::/://::} SENSE }::/::/:/:} SENSE }:/:::/::/} SENSE }/::::/:::} SENSE (( LISTEN-TO-FEATURE )) }:::://:::} SENSE }:::///:::} SENSE }::////:::} SENSE }:::://:::} SENSE }:::://:::} SENSE }:::://:::} SENSE }:::://:::} SENSE }:::://:::} SENSE }:://///::} SENSE (( LISTEN-TO-FEATURE )) }::::::///} SENSE }:::::/://} SENSE }:::://://} SENSE }::://:://} SENSE }::///////} SENSE }://:::://} SENSE }://:::://} SENSE }://:::://} SENSE }///:::///} SENSE (( LISTEN-TO-FEATURE )) }::::::///} SENSE }:://::://} SENSE }://::://:} SENSE }://::://:} SENSE }://::///:} SENSE }://////::} SENSE }:::://:::} SENSE }::://::::} SENSE }:////::::} SENSE (( LISTEN-TO-FEATURE )) }:///::///} SENSE }::/::::::} SENSE }://::::::} SENSE }://:://::} SENSE }://::://:} SENSE }:://:://:} SENSE }:::://:::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE (( LISTEN-TO-FEATURE )) }/////////} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }/////////} SENSE (( LISTEN-TO-FEATURE )) }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE (( LISTEN-TO-FEATURE )) }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE }:::::::::} SENSE (( LISTEN-TO-FEATURE )) }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE }/////////} SENSE (( LISTEN-TO-FEATURE )) (( LOOKSTK INVISIBLECOMPILATION DARKER )) (LET TRANSFER-FROM-MANIFEST-SENSATION-TO-BUFFER BE (( )) (( (( MANIFEST-SENSATION >>> => & )) (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => & )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N1 ; N3 ; ## => GM => ISPRO (MATCHED ASCII-NUM-FOR-SLASH-SYMBOL >>> ; N1 ; N3 # => PM )) )(OTHER ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL >>> ; N1 ; N3 # => PM )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( && && )) )) OK) ((DATA NETTED-FEATURES ACT-FEATURES >>> ; PATMAT-NET-SIZE >>> ; 100 => ADD => RAM-PM NETTED-FEATURES <>> ; 100 => ADD => RAM-PM PATMAT-SHAPE-NAMES <N2 >N1 )) (( (( N1 ; BEGIN-SENSE-PAD-X >>> ; COMPLETE-SENSE-PAD-X >>> => WITH => NOT = EXIT === )) (( N2 ; BEGIN-SENSE-PAD-Y >>> ; COMPLETE-SENSE-PAD-Y >>> => WITH => NOT = EXIT === )) (( N1 ; BEGIN-SENSE-PAD-X >>> => SUB ; QUANTUM-SIZE-SHOWN >>> => DIV => INC => >N4 )) (( N2 ; BEGIN-SENSE-PAD-Y >>> => SUB ; QUANTUM-SIZE-SHOWN >>> => DIV => INC => >N5 )) (( N4 ; 1 ; SENSED-QUANTA >>> => SET-RANGE => >N4 )) (( N5 ; 1 ; SENSED-QUANTA >>> => SET-RANGE => >N5 )) (( N4 ; N5 ; MANIFEST-SENSATION >>> => GM => ISDANCE (MATCHED (( 0 ; N4 ; N5 ; MANIFEST-SENSATION >>> => PM )) (( -1 ; AMOUNT-OF-PIXELS-SET => ADDVAR )) (( 1 => >N10 )) )(OTHER (( 1 ; N4 ; N5 ; MANIFEST-SENSATION >>> => PM )) (( AMOUNT-OF-PIXELS-SET => INCVAR )) (( 0 => >N10 )) MATCHED) )) (( N4 => DEC ; QUANTUM-SIZE-SHOWN >>> => MUL ; BEGIN-SENSE-PAD-X >>> => ADD ; N5 => DEC ; QUANTUM-SIZE-SHOWN >>> => MUL ; BEGIN-SENSE-PAD-Y >>> => ADD ; BRIDGE ; QUANTUM-SIZE-SHOWN >>> => DEC => ADD ; BRIDGE ; QUANTUM-SIZE-SHOWN >>> => DEC => ADD ; N10 => FT RECTFILL FEET )) )) OK) ((DATA HOW-COHERENT-IS-IT-WITH-THIS-HOUSE )) (LET HOW-COHERENT-IS-IT-WITH-THIS-STD BE (( >N3 )) (( (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( TOP-COHERENCE-SCORE >>> => >N1 )) (( N3 => DEC ; SENSED-QUANTA >>> => MUL => >N4 )) (( ACT-FEATURES >>> ; SENSED-QUANTA >>> => MUL => >N5 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N1 ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => GM => >N11 )) (( N11 ; N1 ; (( N9 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => GM => EQN => NOT (MATCHED (( DECN5 )) (( N11 => ISPRO (MATCHED (( DECN5 )) (( DECN5 )) MATCHED) )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( N1 => => )) (( && )) )) OK) (( }HOW-COHERENT-IS-IT-WITH-THIS-STD} ; HOW-COHERENT-IS-IT-WITH-THIS-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-HOUSE )) (LET PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-STD BE (( )) (( (( NETTED-FEATURES >>> => & )) (( HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES >>> => INC => >N6 )) (( ACT-FEATURES >>> (COUNT (( N1 => HOW-COHERENT-IS-IT-WITH-THIS-HOUSE >>> => H ; N1 ; N8 ; # => PM )) (( N1 ; 50 => MOD => ISBASIS = MAYBE-SHOW-B9-POP-STARS === )) COUNTUP) )) (( && )) )) OK) (( }PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-STD} ; PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA PREPARE-TEACH-FIGURE-HOUSE )) (LET PREPARE-TEACH-FIGURE-STD BE (( )) (( (( FT CLS )) (( }Here, touch mouse to make} ; 640 ; 55 => B9-POP )) (( }forms then ENTER to name} ; 640 ; 85 => B9-POP )) (( }each, registering features} ; 640 ; 115 => B9-POP )) (( }in connected nets. Brain} ; 640 ; 145 => B9-POP )) (( }holographically enables such} ; 640 ; 175 => B9-POP )) (( }networks in consciousness.} ; 640 ; 205 => B9-POP )) (( }This program can take as} ; 640 ; 235 => B9-POP )) (( }input files generated by} ; 640 ; 265 => B9-POP )) (( }extension of it as seen} ; 640 ; 295 => B9-POP )) (( }highlevel concepts.} ; 640 ; 325 => B9-POP )) (( }Rel.perception can PRINCIPALLY} ; 640 ; 355 => B9-POP )) (( }always be improved, and} ; 640 ; 385 => B9-POP )) (( }action relies on it. Options:} ; 640 ; 415 => B9-POP )) (( }Teach, distance view CTR-H,} ; 640 ; 445 => B9-POP )) (( }CTR-S save, CTR-R retrieve,} ; 640 ; 475 => B9-POP )) (( }CTR-E verbose. [SPACE] go on.} ; 640 ; 505 => B9-POP )) )) OK) (( }PREPARE-TEACH-FIGURE-STD} ; PREPARE-TEACH-FIGURE-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA PREPARE-MATCHES-HOUSE )) (LET PREPARE-MATCHES-STD BE (( )) (( (( FT CLS )) (( }Holistic matching by net of} ; 640 ; 55 => B9-POP )) (( }feature detectors: sketch,} ; 640 ; 85 => B9-POP )) (( }also CTR-H, then ENTER to} ; 640 ; 115 => B9-POP )) (( }match for patterns taught,} ; 640 ; 145 => B9-POP )) (( }or CTR-R, CTR-S, CTR-E.} ; 640 ; 175 => B9-POP )) (( }One can normally get up to 3} ; 640 ; 205 => B9-POP )) (( }suggestions for each shape.} ; 640 ; 235 => B9-POP )) (( }Each suggested pattern} ; 640 ; 265 => B9-POP )) (( }-- when in the brain --} ; 640 ; 295 => B9-POP )) (( }is further processed} ; 640 ; 325 => B9-POP )) (( }with additional hints} ; 640 ; 355 => B9-POP )) (( }from subtle soul-energies} ; 640 ; 385 => B9-POP )) (( }etc, allowing more proper} ; 640 ; 415 => B9-POP )) (( }selections of what makes} ; 640 ; 445 => B9-POP )) (( }GOOD sense to tacitly assume} ; 640 ; 475 => B9-POP )) (( }and do! Alright? ;) ESC=exit.} ; 640 ; 505 => B9-POP )) )) OK) (( }PREPARE-MATCHES-STD} ; PREPARE-MATCHES-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA CLR-RIGHTSIDE-PATMAT-LINES-HOUSE )) (LET CLR-RIGHTSIDE-PATMAT-LINES-STD BE (( )) (( (( FT )) (( 35 => MAKEBL ; 640 ; 535 => B9-POP )) (( 35 => MAKEBL ; 640 ; 565 => B9-POP )) (( 35 => MAKEBL ; 640 ; 595 => B9-POP )) (( 35 => MAKEBL ; 640 ; 625 => B9-POP )) )) OK) (( }CLR-RIGHTSIDE-PATMAT-LINES-STD} ; CLR-RIGHTSIDE-PATMAT-LINES-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-HOUSE )) (LET CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-STD BE (( )) (( (( FT )) (( 80 => MAKEBL => ONE ; ; )) (( ; 5 ; 735 => B9-POP ; )) (( ; 5 ; 705 => B9-POP )) )) OK) (( }CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-STD} ; CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (LET FRESH-SET-OF-PERFECTLY-FITTED-PATMAT-SORT-ARRAYS BE (( )) (( (( HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES >>> => >N9 )) (( N9 => ISPRO (MATCHED (( MATCH-SCORE-ARRAY >>> => %FREE )) (( MATCH-SCORE-ARRAY-INDEX >>> => %FREE )) (( N9 ; 1000 => MAKETWO => >N10 ; >N8 )) (( N8 MATCH-SCORE-ARRAY <>> => >N9 )) (( 50 => MAKEBL ; 750 ; 5 => FT B9-POP )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( :VERBOSE>>> ; )) )(OTHER (( :QUANTITY>>> ; )) MATCHED) )) (( ; N9 => ISPRO (MATCHED (( ; :> ; => CONCAT ; N9 => CONCAT ; 750 ; 5 => B9-POP )) )(OTHER (( ; :> ; => CONCAT ; 750 ; 5 => B9-POP )) MATCHED) )) (( 60 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) )) OK) (( }UPDATE-VIEW-OF-HOW-MANY-FORMS-GRAPHICS} ; UPDATE-VIEW-OF-HOW-MANY-FORMS-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (LET CLEAR-PATMAT-MATRICES BE (( )) (( (( PATMAT-SHAPE-NAMES >>> => CLEAR-MATRIX )) (( NETTED-FEATURES >>> => CLEAR-MATRIX )) (( HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES => SETBASIS )) (( UPDATE-VIEW-OF-HOW-MANY-FORMS-HOUSE >>> => H )) )) OK) ((DATA NOW-PATMAT-RETRIEVE-HOUSE )) (LET NOW-PATMAT-RETRIEVE-STD BE (( )) (( (( PATMAT18-FILENAME => VARSTR> => ; )) (( ; => ONE ; }A.TXT} => CONCAT ; PATMAT-SHAPE-NAMES >>> => FILENUM2PM ; RM ; )) (( ; }B.TXT} => CONCAT ; NETTED-FEATURES >>> => FILENUM2PM ; RM )) (( PATMAT-NET-SIZE >>> ; 10 => ADD => >N1 )) (( 1 ; N1 ; PATMAT-SHAPE-NAMES >>> => GM => >N8 )) (( 1 ; N1 ; NETTED-FEATURES >>> => GM => >N9 )) (( N8 => ISPRO ; N9 => ISPRO ; (( N8 ; N9 => EQN )) => TRIPLEAND => NOT (MATCHED (( CLEAR-PATMAT-MATRICES )) (( CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( }Tried>>> } ; PATMAT18-FILENAME => VARSTR> => CONCAT ; 5 ; 705 => B9-POP )) (( }BETTER LUCK WITH RETRIEVING OTHER file(name)s RIGHT NOW!!!} ; 5 ; 735 => B9-POP )) (( }PATM999} ; PATMAT18-FILENAME => >VARSTR )) (( A-KEY )) (( EXIT )) MATCHED) )) (( N9 HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES <>> => HYPERCONNECT )) )) OK) (( }NOW-PATMAT-RETRIEVE-STD} ; NOW-PATMAT-RETRIEVE-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA PATMAT-HOLISTIC-MINIVIEW-HOUSE )) (LET PATMAT-HOLISTIC-MINIVIEW-NORMAL BE (( )) (( (( MANIFEST-SENSATION >>> => & )) (( AMOUNT-OF-PIXELS-SET => VISBASIS = && ; FEET ; EXIT === )) (( FT )) (( 800 ; 535 ; 825 ; 560 ; 1 => RECTFILL )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N2 (COUNT (( N1 ; N3 ; # => GM => ISPRO (MATCHED (( 805 ; N1 => ADD ; 540 ; N3 => ADD ; 0 => PUTPIXEL )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( 30 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( 850 ; 535 ; 875 ; 560 ; 1 => RECT )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N2 (COUNT (( N1 ; N3 ; # => GM => ISPRO (MATCHED (( 855 ; N1 => ADD ; 540 ; N3 => ADD ; 1 => PUTPIXEL )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( 30 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( }Press Y to clear these holistic miniviews and continue.} ; 5 ; 705 => B9-POP )) (( GOLABEL1: KEY ; :Y => EQ => NOT = GOUP1 === )) (( 800 ; 535 ; 825 ; 560 ; 0 => RECTFILL )) (( 850 ; 535 ; 875 ; 560 ; 0 => RECTFILL )) (( CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( 50 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( FEET )) (( && )) )) OK) (( }PATMAT-HOLISTIC-MINIVIEW-NORMAL} ; PATMAT-HOLISTIC-MINIVIEW-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (( LOOKSTK )) ((DATA NOW-PATMAT-STORE-HOUSE )) (LET NOW-PATMAT-STORE-NORMAL BE (( )) (( (( PATMAT-NET-SIZE >>> ; 10 => ADD => >N1 )) (( HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES >>> => >N9 )) (( N9 ; 1 ; N1 ; PATMAT-SHAPE-NAMES >>> => PM )) (( N9 ; 1 ; N1 ; NETTED-FEATURES >>> => PM )) (( PATMAT18-FILENAME => VARSTR> => ; )) (( ; => ONE ; }A.TXT} => CONCAT ; PATMAT-SHAPE-NAMES >>> => PM2FILENUM ; RM ; )) (( ; }B.TXT} => CONCAT ; NETTED-FEATURES >>> => PM2FILENUM ; RM )) (( 0 ; 1 ; N1 ; PATMAT-SHAPE-NAMES >>> => PM )) (( 0 ; 1 ; N1 ; NETTED-FEATURES >>> => PM )) )) OK) (( }NOW-PATMAT-STORE-NORMAL} ; NOW-PATMAT-STORE-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (( LOOKSTK )) ((DATA PATMAT-RETRIEVE-FILE-HOUSE )) (LET PATMAT-RETRIEVE-FILE-KEYBOARD BE (( )) (( (( MANUAL-CLEAR-KEYBUF )) (( CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( }Press Y to clear PATMAT RAM and retrieve earlier teaching.} ; 5 ; 705 => B9-POP )) (( }Note, any other than proper PATMAT files can confuse the PC!} ; 5 ; 735 => B9-POP )) (( KEY ; :Y => EQ (MATCHED (( CLEAR-PATMAT-MATRICES )) (( CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( }ENTER=filename: } ; PATMAT18-FILENAME => VARSTR> => CONCAT ; 5 ; 705 => B9-POP )) (( }Or type new:} 5 ; 735 => B9-POP )) (( 7 ; 175 ; 735 => B9-READLN => RMBL => UPCM => LENGTH => >N1 ; )) (( ; N1 => ISPRO (MATCHED (( ; PATMAT18-FILENAME => >VARSTR )) )(OTHER (( ; RM )) MATCHED) )) (( NOW-PATMAT-RETRIEVE-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) (( CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-HOUSE >>> => H )) )) OK) (( }PATMAT-RETRIEVE-FILE-KEYBOARD} ; PATMAT-RETRIEVE-FILE-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA PATMAT-STORE-FILE-HOUSE )) (LET PATMAT-STORE-FILE-KEYBOARD BE (( )) (( (( HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES => VISBASIS = EXIT === )) (( MANUAL-CLEAR-KEYBUF )) (( CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( }STORE??? Press Y to store teaching to 2 matrix files. Type} ; 5 ; 705 => B9-POP )) (( }short right name, as ..A.TXT & ..B.TXT added. OVERWRITES!!!} ; 5 ; 735 => B9-POP )) (( KEY ; :Y => EQ (MATCHED (( CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( }ENTER=this name: } ; PATMAT18-FILENAME => VARSTR> => CONCAT ; 5 ; 705 => B9-POP )) (( }Or type new:} 5 ; 735 => B9-POP )) (( 7 ; 175 ; 735 => B9-READLN => RMBL => UPCM => LENGTH => >N1 ; )) (( N1 => ISPRO (MATCHED (( ; PATMAT18-FILENAME => >VARSTR )) )(OTHER (( ; RM )) MATCHED) )) (( NOW-PATMAT-STORE-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) (( CLR-BOTTOM-LINES-HOUSE >>> => H )) )) OK) (( }PATMAT-STORE-FILE-KEYBOARD} ; PATMAT-STORE-FILE-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA CLR-PATMAT-CURRENT-SKETCH-HOUSE )) (LET CLR-PATMAT-CURRENT-SKETCH-STD BE (( )) (( (( FT )) (( AMOUNT-OF-PIXELS-SET => SETBASIS )) (( MANIFEST-SENSATION >>> => CLEAR-MATRIX )) (( BEGIN-SENSE-PAD-X >>> ; BEGIN-SENSE-PAD-Y >>> ; COMPLETE-SENSE-PAD-X >>> ; COMPLETE-SENSE-PAD-Y >>> ; 1 => FT RECTFILL )) )) OK) (( }CLR-PATMAT-CURRENT-SKETCH-STD} ; CLR-PATMAT-CURRENT-SKETCH-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA PATMAT-ACTIVATE-VERBOSE-HOUSE )) (LET PATMAT-ACTIVATE-VERBOSE-GRAPHICS BE (( )) (( (( VERBOSE-MODE => FLAGFLIP )) (( FT )) (( UPDATE-VIEW-OF-HOW-MANY-FORMS-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( 30 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => VISBASIS = EXIT === )) (( FT CLS )) (( 30 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( }Hi, this is the verbose mode of this program.} ; 10 ; 15 => B9-POP )) (( }Verbose might mean explaining and over-explaining.} ; 10 ; 45 => B9-POP )) (( }Here it means more viewing a bit of the background} ; 10 ; 75 => B9-POP )) (( }processes in terms of more score numbers, how the} ; 10 ; 105 => B9-POP )) (( }pixels are swung a bit when matched. This} ; 10 ; 135 => B9-POP )) (( }verbose mode can be switched off by another} ; 10 ; 165 => B9-POP )) (( }click on CTR-E in the ordinary mode. It may be more} ; 10 ; 195 => B9-POP )) (( }intelligble after some use. For a batch and/or text} ; 10 ; 225 => B9-POP )) (( }version of PATMATnn, consider use of text file verbose} ; 10 ; 255 => B9-POP )) (( }This verbose mode will for some PATMAT actions clr screen} ; 10 ; 285 => B9-POP )) (( }and on returning menu content etc on screen will not} ; 10 ; 315 => B9-POP )) (( }redisplayed fully.} ; 10 ; 345 => B9-POP )) (( }This mode is for programmer's understanding and it} ; 10 ; 375 => B9-POP )) (( }will leave on the screen a mix of text and graphics.} ; 10 ; 405 => B9-POP )) (( }PATMATnn WISHES YOU THE GREATEST OF GOOD LUCK!!!!} ; 10 ; 435 => B9-POP )) (( 30 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( FT A-KEY )) (( CLS )) (( 30 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( UPDATE-VIEW-OF-HOW-MANY-FORMS-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( CLR-PATMAT-CURRENT-SKETCH-HOUSE >>> => H )) )) OK) (( }PATMAT-ACTIVATE-VERBOSE-GRAPHICS} ; PATMAT-ACTIVATE-VERBOSE-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (( LOOKSTK )) ((DATA PROCESS-CTR-BUTTON-IN-PATMAT-HOUSE )) (LET PROCESS-CTR-BUTTON-IN-PATMAT-STD BE (( )) (( (( PATMAT-BUTTON-LIKE-ACTION >>> => >N5 )) (( N5 ; 5 => EQN = PATMAT-ACTIVATE-VERBOSE-HOUSE >>> => H == )) (( N5 ; 8 => EQN = PATMAT-HOLISTIC-MINIVIEW-HOUSE >>> => H == )) (( N5 ; 18 => EQN = PATMAT-RETRIEVE-FILE-HOUSE >>> => H == )) (( N5 ; 19 => EQN = PATMAT-STORE-FILE-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( === === === === )) )) OK) (( }PROCESS-CTR-BUTTON-IN-PATMAT-STD} ; PROCESS-CTR-BUTTON-IN-PATMAT-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (( LOOKSTK )) ((DATA TOUCHING-AND-SENSING-HOUSE )) (LET TOUCHING-AND-SENSING-BY-MOUSE BE (( )) (( (( UPDATE-VIEW-OF-HOW-MANY-FORMS-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( SHOWMOUSE )) (( GOLABEL4: )) (( MOUSEXY => >N2 ; >N1 )) (( MOUSECLICK (MATCHED (( N1 ; N2 => TOGGLE-QUANTUM-AT-THIS-POS )) (( 333 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) (( 50 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( KEYTOUCH (MATCHED (( KEYNUM PATMAT-BUTTON-LIKE-ACTION < WARP-INTO )) (( LOOKSTK )) ((DATA IS-FEATURE-ROW-READY-HOUSE )) (LET IS-FEATURE-ROW-READY-STD BE (( >N2 >N1 )) (( (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( N2 => DEC ; SENSED-QUANTA >>> => MUL => ADD ; N1 => ADD => >N8 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N1 ; N10 ; # => GM => ISPRO (MATCHED (( NO => => ; && ; RMS RMS EXIT )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) (( YES => => )) (( && )) )) OK) (( }IS-FEATURE-ROW-READY-STD} ; IS-FEATURE-ROW-READY-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA IS-FEATURE-COLUMN-READY-HOUSE )) (LET IS-FEATURE-COLUMN-READY-STD BE (( >N2 >N1 )) (( (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( N2 => DEC ; SENSED-QUANTA >>> => MUL => ADD => >N8 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N3 ; (( N1 ; N10 => ADD )) ; # => GM => ISPRO (MATCHED (( NO => => ; && ; RMS RMS EXIT )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) (( YES => => )) (( && )) )) OK) (( }IS-FEATURE-COLUMN-READY-STD} ; IS-FEATURE-COLUMN-READY-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-RIGHT-HOUSE )) (LET MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-RIGHT-STD BE (( >N1 )) (( (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => & )) (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; N1 => DEC => MUL => >N4 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( 0 ; 1 ; N1 ; # => PM )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> => DEC (COUNT (( N1 ; N3 ; ## => GM ; ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL >>> => EQN (MATCHED (( 0 ; N1 => INC ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) )(OTHER (( 1 ; N1 => INC ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( MAYBE-SHOW-B9-POP-STARS )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( N1 => VERBOSE-2ND-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) MATCHED) )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( }MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-RIGHT-STD} ; MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-RIGHT-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-LEFT-HOUSE )) (LET MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-LEFT-STD BE (( >N1 )) (( (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => & )) (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; N1 => DEC => MUL => >N4 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( 0 ; N2 ; N1 ; # => PM )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> => DEC (COUNT (( N1 => INC ; N3 ; ## => GM ; ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL >>> => EQN (MATCHED (( 0 ; N1 ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) )(OTHER (( 1 ; N1 ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( MAYBE-SHOW-B9-POP-STARS )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( N1 => VERBOSE-2ND-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) MATCHED) )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( }MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-LEFT-STD} ; MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-LEFT-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA MIRROR-MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-RIGHT-HOUSE )) (LET MIRROR-MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-RIGHT-STD BE (( >N1 )) (( (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => & )) (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; N1 => DEC => MUL => >N4 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( 0 ; 1 ; N1 ; # => PM )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> => DEC (COUNT (( N1 ; N3 ; ## => GM ; ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL >>> => EQN (MATCHED (( 0 ; N2 ; N1 => SUB => INC => INC ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) )(OTHER (( 1 ; N2 ; N1 => SUB => INC => INC ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( MAYBE-SHOW-B9-POP-STARS )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( N1 => VERBOSE-2ND-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) MATCHED) )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( }MIRROR-MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-RIGHT-STD} ; MIRROR-MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-RIGHT-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA MIRROR-MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-LEFT-HOUSE )) (LET MIRROR-MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-LEFT-STD BE (( >N1 )) (( (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => & )) (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; N1 => DEC => MUL => >N4 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( 0 ; N2 ; N1 ; # => PM )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> => DEC (COUNT (( N1 => INC ; N3 ; ## => GM ; ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL >>> => EQN (MATCHED (( 0 ; N2 ; N1 => SUB => INC ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) )(OTHER (( 1 ; N2 ; N1 => SUB => INC ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( MAYBE-SHOW-B9-POP-STARS )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( N1 => VERBOSE-2ND-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) MATCHED) )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( }MIRROR-MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-LEFT-STD} ; MIRROR-MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-LEFT-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA MOVE-FEATURE-ROWS-UP-HOUSE )) (LET MOVE-FEATURE-ROWS-UP-STD BE (( >N1 )) (( (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => & )) (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; N1 => DEC => MUL => >N4 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( 0 ; N1 ; N2 ; # => PM )) COUNTUP) )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> => DEC (COUNT (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N1 ; N3 => INC ; ## => GM ; ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL >>> => EQN (MATCHED (( 0 ; N1 ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) )(OTHER (( 1 ; N1 ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( MAYBE-SHOW-B9-POP-STARS )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( N1 => VERBOSE-2ND-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) MATCHED) )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( }MOVE-FEATURE-ROWS-UP-STD} ; MOVE-FEATURE-ROWS-UP-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA MOVE-FEATURE-ROWS-BOTTOM-HOUSE )) (LET MOVE-FEATURE-ROWS-BOTTOM-STD BE (( >N1 )) (( (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => & )) (( FIRST-LEVEL-FEATURES-NET >>> => & )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; N1 => DEC => MUL => >N4 )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( 0 ; N1 ; 1 ; # => PM )) COUNTUP) )) (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> => DEC (COUNT (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> (COUNT (( N1 ; N3 => INC ; ## => GM ; ASCII-NUM-FOR-COLON-SYMBOL >>> => EQN (MATCHED (( 0 ; N1 ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) )(OTHER (( 1 ; N1 ; (( N8 ; N3 => ADD )) ; # => PM )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( MAYBE-SHOW-B9-POP-STARS )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( N1 => VERBOSE-2ND-PATMAT18-MINI-DISPLAY-SHAPE-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) MATCHED) )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( }MOVE-FEATURE-ROWS-BOTTOM-STD} ; MOVE-FEATURE-ROWS-BOTTOM-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (LET PATMATCH-RIGHT-COLUMN-READY BE (( )) (( (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC IS-FEATURE-COLUMN-READY-HOUSE >>> => H (MATCHED (( ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-RIGHT-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) (( YES => => )) )(OTHER (( NO => => )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (LET PATMATCH-LEFT-COLUMN-READY BE (( )) (( (( 1 ; ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => IS-FEATURE-COLUMN-READY-HOUSE >>> => H (MATCHED (( ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-LEFT-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) (( YES => => )) )(OTHER (( NO => => )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK )) (LET MIRROR-PATMATCH-RIGHT-COLUMN-READY BE (( )) (( (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC IS-FEATURE-COLUMN-READY-HOUSE >>> => H (MATCHED (( ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => MIRROR-MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-RIGHT-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) (( YES => => )) )(OTHER (( NO => => )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (LET MIRROR-PATMATCH-LEFT-COLUMN-READY BE (( )) (( (( 1 ; ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => IS-FEATURE-COLUMN-READY-HOUSE >>> => H (MATCHED (( ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => MIRROR-MOVE-FEATURE-COLUMNS-LEFT-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) (( YES => => )) )(OTHER (( NO => => )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK )) (LET PATMATCH-TOP-ROW-READY BE (( )) (( (( 1 ; ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => IS-FEATURE-ROW-READY-HOUSE >>> => H (MATCHED (( ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => MOVE-FEATURE-ROWS-UP-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) (( YES => => )) )(OTHER (( NO => => )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (LET PATMATCH-BOTTOM-ROW-READY BE (( )) (( (( SENSED-QUANTA >>> ; ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => IS-FEATURE-ROW-READY-HOUSE >>> => H (MATCHED (( ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => MOVE-FEATURE-ROWS-BOTTOM-HOUSE >>> => HYPERCONNECT )) (( YES => => )) )(OTHER (( NO => => )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) ((DATA PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-HOUSE )) (LET PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-STD BE (( )) (( (( CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => & )) (( NETTED-FEATURES >>> => & )) (( HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES => VISBASIS = && && ; EXIT === )) (( HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES >>> => INC => >N2 )) (( CURRENT-NETTED-FORM-LOOKED-AT >>> => >N3 )) (( 0 => >N4 )) (( ACT-FEATURES >>> (COUNT (( N1 ; N4 ; # => GM ; N1 ; N5 ; # => GM => SUB => ABS ; N6 => ADD => >N6 )) COUNTUP) )) (( HIGHER-LEVEL-PATMAT-TOP-SCORE >>> ; N4 => SUB ; ## => %LENGTH ; ## => %PUT )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( }PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-STD} ; PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (LET PERCEIVE-AND-ACT-SAPPHIC BE (( )) (( (( 1 ; CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => POKE )) (( TRANSFER-FROM-MANIFEST-SENSATION-TO-BUFFER )) (( ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => MUSCLE-SMOOTHLY-HERE-IN-PAINLESS-FEATURE )) (( PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-HOUSE >>> => H )) )) OK) (LET PERCEIVE-SWINGING-TO-THE-RIGHT BE (( )) (( (( PATMATCH-RIGHT-COLUMN-READY (MATCHED (( CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => %LENGTH => INC ; CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => POKE )) (( PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (LET PERCEIVE-SWINGING-TO-THE-LEFT BE (( )) (( (( PATMATCH-LEFT-COLUMN-READY (MATCHED (( CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => %LENGTH => INC ; CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => POKE )) (( PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (LET PERCEIVE-SWINGING-UP BE (( )) (( (( PATMATCH-TOP-ROW-READY (MATCHED (( CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => %LENGTH => INC ; CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => POKE )) (( PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (LET PERCEIVE-SWINGING-BENEATH BE (( )) (( (( PATMATCH-BOTTOM-ROW-READY (MATCHED (( CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => %LENGTH => INC ; CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => POKE )) (( PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (LET MIRROR-PERCEIVE-SWINGING-TO-THE-RIGHT BE (( )) (( (( MIRROR-PATMATCH-RIGHT-COLUMN-READY (MATCHED (( CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => %LENGTH => INC ; CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => POKE )) (( PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (LET MIRROR-PERCEIVE-SWINGING-TO-THE-LEFT BE (( )) (( (( MIRROR-PATMATCH-LEFT-COLUMN-READY (MATCHED (( CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => %LENGTH => INC ; CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => POKE )) (( PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (LET PERCEIVE-SWINGING-LEFT-RIGHT-AROUND BE (( )) (( (( MIRROR-MODE-ACCEPTANCE => VISDANCE (MATCHED (( ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => MIRROR-MUSCLE-SMOOTHLY-HERE-IN-PAINLESS-FEATURE )) (( PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( PATMATCH-IS-SCORING-MAX-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( MIRROR-PERCEIVE-SWINGING-TO-THE-RIGHT )) (( MIRROR-PERCEIVE-SWINGING-TO-THE-LEFT )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) ((DATA ASK-PERSON-TO-NAME-NEW-SHAPE-HOUSE )) (LET ASK-PERSON-TO-NAME-NEW-SHAPE-STD BE (( )) (( (( }Unique name -- no blanks:} ; 640 ; 535 => B9-POP )) (( }(no name means: clr image)} ; 640 ; 595 => B9-POP )) (( 30 ; 640 ; 565 => B9-READLN => RMBL => LENGTH => >N1 ; )) (( CLR-RIGHTSIDE-PATMAT-LINES-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( ; N1 => ISBASIS = RM ; NO => => ; EXIT === )) (( ; HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES >>> => INC => >N1 ; )) (( ; N1 ; PATMAT-SHAPE-NAMES >>> => TEXT>MATRIX )) (( YES => => )) )) OK) (( }ASK-PERSON-TO-NAME-NEW-SHAPE-STD} ; ASK-PERSON-TO-NAME-NEW-SHAPE-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (LET NOW-REGISTER-FEATURES BE (( )) (( (( TRANSFER-FROM-MANIFEST-SENSATION-TO-BUFFER )) (( ACT-FEATURES >>> => INC => MUSCLE-SMOOTHLY-HERE-IN-PAINLESS-FEATURE )) (( PATMATCH-IS-LEARNING-CONSTELLATION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES => INCVAR )) )) OK) ((DATA SENSE-BEAUTY-OF-OBJECT-AND-MEMORISE-THIS-HOUSE )) (LET SENSE-BEAUTY-OF-OBJECT-AND-MEMORISE-THIS-STD BE (( )) (( (( AMOUNT-OF-PIXELS-SET => VISBASIS = EXIT === )) (( ASK-PERSON-TO-NAME-NEW-SHAPE-HOUSE >>> => H (MATCHED (( NOW-REGISTER-FEATURES )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (( }SENSE-BEAUTY-OF-OBJECT-AND-MEMORISE-THIS-STD} ; SENSE-BEAUTY-OF-OBJECT-AND-MEMORISE-THIS-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (LET DO-PATTERN-LEARNING BE (( )) (( (( PREPARE-TEACH-FIGURE-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => CLEAR-MATRIX )) (( THIS-PATTERN-LINE => SETDANCE )) (( CLR-PATMAT-CURRENT-SKETCH-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( GOLABEL1: )) (( TOUCHING-AND-SENSING-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( PATMAT-BUTTON-LIKE-ACTION >>> ; ONE ; 27 => EQN ; SWITCH ; 32 => EQN => ORR => Y-TO-1 => >N1 )) (( PATMAT-BUTTON-LIKE-ACTION >>> ; 13 => EQN (MATCHED (( SENSE-BEAUTY-OF-OBJECT-AND-MEMORISE-THIS-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( CLR-PATMAT-CURRENT-SKETCH-HOUSE >>> => H )) )(OTHER (( PROCESS-CTR-BUTTON-IN-PATMAT-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) (( N1 => ISBASIS = GOUP1 === )) )) OK) (LET BEST-SWUNG-PERCEPTION-INTO-COHERENCE-LIST BE (( )) (( (( MATCH-SCORE-ARRAY >>> => & )) (( CURRENT-BEST-SWUNG-PATTERN >>> => & )) (( 0 => >N6 )) (( # => %LENGTH (COUNT (( N1 ; # => %GET => ONE ; N8 => INTGREATER (MATCHED (( ; => >N8 )) )(OTHER (( ; RM )) MATCHED) )) COUNTUP) )) (( N6 ; CURRENT-NETTED-FORM-LOOKED-AT >>> ; ## => %PUT )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK )) ((DATA MATCH-ON-FIGURE-HOUSE )) (LET MATCH-ON-FIGURE-ELEGANT BE (( )) (( (( HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES >>> => >N1 )) (( N1 => ISBASIS = EXIT === )) (( N1 (COUNT (( N1 CURRENT-NETTED-FORM-LOOKED-AT < WARP-INTO )) ((DATA POSSIBLY-NAME-THIS-PERCEPTION-SUGGESTION-HOUSE )) (LET POSSIBLY-NAME-THIS-PERCEPTION-SUGGESTION-STD BE (( >N8 >N9 )) (( (( MATCH-SCORE-ARRAY >>> => & )) (( MATCH-SCORE-ARRAY-INDEX >>> => & )) (( N8 => ISPRO => NOT = && && ; EXIT === )) (( # => %LENGTH => INC ; N8 => INTGREATER (MATCHED (( N8 ; # => %GET => >N1 )) (( N1 ; ## => %GET => ISPRO (MATCHED N1 ; PATMAT-SHAPE-NAMES >>> => MATR>TEXT ; 640 ; (( 535 ; N9 ; 30 => MUL => ADD )) => B9-POP )) MATCHED) )) MATCHED) )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( }POSSIBLY-NAME-THIS-PERCEPTION-SUGGESTION-STD} ; POSSIBLY-NAME-THIS-PERCEPTION-SUGGESTION-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) ((DATA SHOW-SOME-OF-SCORE-ARRAY-HOUSE )) (LET SHOW-SOME-OF-SCORE-ARRAY-STD BE (( )) (( (( MATCH-SCORE-ARRAY >>> => & )) (( MATCH-SCORE-ARRAY-INDEX >>> => & )) (( FT CLS )) (( }Verbose mode prints up to 20 of top scores,} } sorted when > 3 items.} => CONCAT ; 10 ; 10 => B9-POP )) (( # => %LENGTH (COUNT (( N1 ; 20 => INTGREATER (MATCHED (( RMS RMS )) (( GOFORWARD1 )) MATCHED) )) (( N2 ; N1 => SUB => INC => >N9 )) (( N9 ; # => %GET => >N4 )) (( N4 ; ## => %GET => >N8 )) (( }Num } ; N9 => CONCAT ; }, score } => CONCAT ; N8 => CONCAT ; } is shape num } => CONCAT ; N4 => CONCAT }: "} => CONCAT ; N4 ; PATMAT-SHAPE-NAMES >>> => MATR>TEXT => CONCAT ; }"} => CONCAT ; 10 ; (( 10 ; N1 ; 25 => MUL => ADD )) => B9-POP )) (( 20 => GOODWAIT-HOUSE >>> => H )) COUNTUP) )) (( GOLABEL1: )) (( A-KEY )) (( FT CLS FT )) (( CLR-PATMAT-CURRENT-SKETCH-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( }SHOW-SOME-OF-SCORE-ARRAY-STD} ; SHOW-SOME-OF-SCORE-ARRAY-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (( LOOKSTK )) ((DATA NAME-THREE-MATCHES-HOUSE )) (LET NAME-THREE-MATCHES-STD BE (( )) (( (( MATCH-SCORE-ARRAY >>> => & )) (( MATCH-SCORE-ARRAY-INDEX >>> => & )) (( FT )) (( # => %LENGTH ; 3 => INTGREATER (MATCHED (( ## ; # => QSORT2 )) MATCHED) )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => VISDANCE = SHOW-SOME-OF-SCORE-ARRAY-HOUSE >>> => H === )) (( }Possible Matches (then ENTER):} ; 640 ; 535 => B9-POP )) (( 1 ; # => %LENGTH => POSSIBLY-NAME-THIS-PERCEPTION-SUGGESTION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( 2 ; # => %LENGTH => DEC => POSSIBLY-NAME-THIS-PERCEPTION-SUGGESTION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( 3 ; # => %LENGTH => DEC => DEC => POSSIBLY-NAME-THIS-PERCEPTION-SUGGESTION-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( A-KEY )) (( CLR-RIGHTSIDE-PATMAT-LINES-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( && && )) )) OK) (( }NAME-THREE-MATCHES-STD} ; NAME-THREE-MATCHES-HOUSE => WARP-INTO )) (( LOOKSTK )) (LET DO-PATTERN-MATCHING BE (( )) (( (( PREPARE-MATCHES-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( CLR-PATMAT-CURRENT-SKETCH-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( SENSORY-ORGAN >>> => CLEAR-MATRIX )) (( THIS-PATTERN-LINE => SETDANCE )) (( GOLABEL2: )) (( TOUCHING-AND-SENSING-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( PATMAT-BUTTON-LIKE-ACTION >>> ; 27 => EQN = EXIT === )) (( PATMAT-BUTTON-LIKE-ACTION >>> ; 13 => EQN ; HOW-MANY-NETTED-FEATURES => VISBASIS => NOT => AND (MATCHED (( AMOUNT-OF-PIXELS-SET => VISBASIS => NOT (MATCHED (( }PERMUTING NET..} ; 640 ; 535 => B9-POP )) (( MATCH-ON-FIGURE-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( } } ; 640 ; 535 => B9-POP )) (( NAME-THREE-MATCHES-HOUSE >>> => H )) (( CLR-PATMAT-CURRENT-SKETCH-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) )(OTHER (( PROCESS-CTR-BUTTON-IN-PATMAT-HOUSE >>> => H )) MATCHED) )) (( GOUP2 )) )) OK) (LET PATMAT18 BE (( )) (( (( GJ-ON )) (( DO-PATTERN-LEARNING )) (( FRESH-SET-OF-PERFECTLY-FITTED-PATMAT-SORT-ARRAYS )) (( DO-PATTERN-MATCHING )) (( GJ-DONE )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK )) (( VERBOSE-MODE => SETBASIS )) (( SHOW-B9-POP-STARS-WHILE-PERCEIVING => SETDANCE )) (( MIRROR-MODE-ACCEPTANCE => SETDANCE )) }* ****OR, INSTEAD OF NEXT LINE, INCREASE PROGRAM *********** }* (LET AUTOSTART BE PATMAT18 OK) }* ***************AND CALL IT SOMETHING ELSE **************** }*