Aristo Tacoma [[[ESSAY as at Written talk. redist license. Consult published works as at which are containing key concepts connected to what this writer calls 'neopopperian science' and also 'supermodel theory', which involve also perceptive processes -- concepts effortlessly drawn upon here.]]] ESSAY ON HONESTY, HUMOUR AND FINE-TUNING YOUR BRAIN-WAVES -- With a petite f3 program playfully illustrating some bits of honesty and relating to an idea of brain waves [[[Please also get the 2 pictures as found at to view as mentioned within.]]] Welcome. When I give these talks in our little informal and -- relative to the population of potential listeners -- exclusive gatherings, or fiests, I hope that we share a kind of sometimes mildly and sometimes intensely amused spirit. For I hold that what is not said with a twinkle in the eye is not worth saying, on a philosophical gathering. It is with elegance -- neither over-simplistic nor over-complex -- that we will reach insights. Even the young girls who are trained really well -- "excessively" well, in a sense, though it can't really be an excess -- in stamash, knows that even the toughest of human actions can, at the very least, be led up to with a twinkle in the eye. It is not that one is not serious, but it shows that, at a level of fundamental understanding beyond all dogma (we are always beyond all dogma here, are we not?), the universe is simply an opportunity for a great laugh. That is not to say it is a joke! Neither it nor God nor the muses can vanish in a puff of logical paradox! It is a laugh and it is very, very serious -- in fact nothing is more serious -- and for exactly that reason, human death and human birth and all the days of dance and also days of suffering in between are never that serious compared to the greatness of the source and its manifest totality. So the muses are related, by word roots, by ethymology, to a-muse-ment. So be mildly amused, have the twinkle, let your eyes shine as we explore, together and no matter what the assumed past, love and truth. Let us also, having said this, having got this in place, so to speak, be fundamentally clear that the energy of life -- even as life defends itself against such as a cold or a virus by small bits of appropriate destructiveness -- is all one, is, in a grand sense of love and unity, entirely and forever without evil. Life is essentially and in its infinite angle of perception entirely good, and there is no evil. Right? Good! However, when some people spend time constructing something which offer them good things for a good long while and they talk over how great all this is, together, and build up attachments and identities to all this, cementing certain structures in their brains, then they may come to such a decayed state of mind that they will automatically try to reach for that worst fantasy of all -- the word "evil" -- if anything or anyone upsets this, or even destroys this, which they are so attached to. They may shout the word, but that doesn't make it any more real. Evil is simply not and it is imbecile to claim otherwise. There is no evil and voodoo doesn't work, for this world is not mechanical nor in any way created by a duality nor by blind resonances. The resonances that you may set up within yourself in a lofty, divine state of love -- love with beauty, with girls, with dance, and love with the higher, supreme beings -- to whom all what we have just said is dogma, so to speak -- those resonances are wise, and within those resonances you may pray -- right? And that can have, always does have, an effect -- when you improvise, you are reverent, you communicate flirtatously and well, and do not repeat yourself in dull and monotonous ways, and you also quit at it quickly enough, and just entertain a sense of gratefulness. Gratefulness, that eternal mantra! You can only really have gratefulness in your heart if you cease having identification with any thing or any body or any name or word in particular, and rather feel the reality of the wholeness of all existence, trusting its goodness, in a sense which is intuitive and which doesn't depend merely on a definition of goodness but which you simply feel as real. And so you can only have fear if you have fear of death, and so you can diminish all your fear by realising that it makes no sense at all to fear death if you allow yourself to be guided by the goodness at heart of existence, more and more. Alright, this is not a scientific statement -- we are into religion in saying it -- I quite agree -- but it is this fundamental freedom to feel unity with all existence that gives us the peace of mind to be really scientific, in what we call here a "neo-popperian" way, about any particular theme that it is adequate and good to look into. But then we need to lay the foundation of being scientific by being at ease with facts, by being friends with facts, with reality, -- and as it happens, that is the foundation for really great humour as well. And also, let's agree, it works a bit the other way around as well: you play with the perception of reality and make humorous notes inside your mind -- not always in good taste to express more than some of these, of course -- but in that way, by looking for humorous angles you also come across new nuggets of perception; you see reality clearer. In other words -- and this concerns the wholeness of our brains (and, in terms of religious philosophy, let me re-state here what I have gone into a bit more earlier on, that the brain collaborates with the level of many souls and many spirits to make the totality of consciousness) -- honesty and humour goes together and brings about an aspect of what it is to be a healing person, a person of integrity, having a good brain. Another aspect of being a person of integrity is to know when to be dishonest, and to what measure, and be sure it doesn't become a habit but kept in sharp leashes. You have the right to make up in your own mind an idea about the beauty of another body, right in front of you, but the person who has a graceful radiance omits speaking about negative perceptions and is even prepared to be dishonest in the postiive way and say only nice things if asked -- except in a situation of anonymous voting, where it is your honesty rather than your good manners which is supposed to be your primary source of contribution to the wisdom of society, together with your concience. Just think of how long time it may take to forget something that is worth forgetting, if it bites itself into memory -- even if it hasn't got any much reality in it. So since you don't want to be the source of putting others into a state where they have to try to forget all sorts of things you carelessly put sarcastic or negative words to, you realise that it is wise and honest to affirm that good manners, being a gentleman, ladylike, -- the word 'gentleman' works really well for all guys, including girls, of course!!! -- such things constitute a good idea. Sometimes, though, -- also in stamash martial arts, of course -- the wise person must then, but even so without overdoing it, break with ordinary manners -- e.g. by stating a negative perception strongly to someone. But this attains to a righteous force exactly because this force is not at all played with meaninglessly in the course of ordinary days. And with the perspective of reincarnation, it is always hope for all -- the word "all" then referring to soul not body. And you will meet all again and again, forever, -- with the same use of the word "all" to refer to subtler levels -- and so you better watch your actions and see that you can live with the ethical effects of what you do, relative to all, not just relative to some people who you right now these weeks consider more important, somehow, than other people. So never ever use the word 'class', if I can suggest it, about any group of human people. Humanity is one. And we must teach each other to be generous to beauty, beauty both in terms of action and also physical beauty, as the objectively well-proportioned slim longlegged body, -- without trying to be subjectivist just to conceal a bad proportion in oneself or in a friend one has. For unless you are honest about the perception of beauty, you are living on lies. But humanity must make future-relevant decisions about food, exercise, dance, and so on, and the existence of humanity in the great future is woven together extremely tightly with the sense of objective beauty in the present moment, and so you can only work out something of the greater intent about humanity by reminding yourself, again and again, by dedicating yourself to beauty. Then you must learn to overlook the ugly, when you don't have to deal with it directly in the line of societal work (or the like), and give energy to the beautiful, however much you yourself partake in beauty physically. This is tough against the ego, and that's exactly the point: such honesty about what is beautiful and young, what can be realised to be a peak of health and part of an objective next step in humanity to achieve more of, also in art, as dance, and so forth, is an honest that propells enlightenment -- towars it, or as refinement of it (after it has happened, for all). And enlightenment is the decline of the ego. So where does the ego come from? It comes from a kind of noise in reality, organised somewhat, -- so it is a kind of psychic virus, like a cold, but it is sometimes more of it in a person and at other times less of it -- or in how it is being manifested. This is something we can say without trying to say that ego is at the bottom of the person: rather, we say here, as said, that all is essentially good, and within that -- for human beings as manifest -- relative goodness, there is space for a little bit noise, as a little bit ego. In a unit of time that we can call a "TM", or a million years, a stepwise reduction of ego can be said to take place. But then ego also is active at a more subtle level. There is always a little bit ego in humanity, even after enlightenment. But there is more and more beauty, and beautiful action, and happiness, as ego -- with its distrust, its apparent faithlessness, its tendency to project greed as more important than beautiful action, its sullenness, its over-destructiveness -- as ego with all this nonsense diminishes, there will be more and more joy in humanity. This is a necessary course, I intuitit it is right to say, -- with absoluteness in egolessness only attained by God and his very many muses (Lisa, Athina and Helena, or L.A.H., on top, you can have as mantra, but then there are trillions of trillions of submuses -- ask your intuition, after you've developed it and fine-tuned it, is it not so?). So where does the bit of 'noise' in this universe come from? That is a meaningful question, if there is, by the neo-popperian enquiry into the super-models running the manifest reality from afar, deep into the subtle realms (which, when seen from their own, truer perspective, are more manifest than manifest reality!), so great a subtle control over all coincidences, all events, all flow of causation of all kinds -- both as suggest by quantum phenomena and by general relativity phenomena, but also as biological synchronicity e.g. in sex. All this we have discussed very calmly and dispassionately and rationally, theme by theme, in other places earlier, but here we permit ourselves to take earlier enquires enough for granted that we can benefit from looking beyond them, by standing on top of them. Here, it is not just the neo-popperian enquiry into science, but also all sorts of intuitions into the religious fact of the world beyond any set of dogmas in any world religion book-- for instance, the type intuitions as set forth in the 8-sphere booklet as listed at are taken rather for granted here, in addition to the original supermodel theory book as listed at -- the one with 'Resonating over dancers, creating new physics' in the title; and the later clarification of themes in the supermodel theory, as in the News about Aristo Tacoma section on front page of the search engines. All has been published, really, in digital form -- free for all, there is a great deal of wholeness to be attained for any one who spends time with this regularly. With that background, these talks get a rational consisteny and coherence entirely beyond that which a conventional 20th-century like so-called "sciene eductation" can give. This is optic religiosity, but it is not an attempt to implant dogmas instead of perceptions, nor is it an attempt to twist perceptions. We are merely perceiving, also by the intelligence of the heart, and collecting the perceptions into larger wholes of perception, -- not building illusions. So where is noise coming from? Ultimately, at the deepst level of all, it is possible to say: there is determinism or non-noise. But this is a statement which is as meta-physical as anything can get meta-physical. At all practical levels -- even for the highest beings, you follow? -- up to, including, God as an experiencer, as both a writer and reader of the succession of short stories which constitute the moments of the world, he is an absolutely enlightened reader who knows the art of forgetting. And so there is surprise, and so experience. I can give you this inside-information -- type of stuff that no religious teacher has ever given anyone; that is why all this work we do here has such a peculiarly strong and attractive effect on those who give it something from their hearts. It is not a nonsensical attempt to set up a tale of illusions to ensnare people into a sect of guruism. Rather, all this has a level of truth to an extent where we constantly say: beware, don't get into all this too much pr day, or even pr week, or the fire and flames of this stuff may fry your brain cells too much. Some frying is going on and that should be within what you allow that happens, for the brain is mortal; but don't over-fry it, dont intoxicate yourself too much with this stuff we give here. Keep your feet on, or near, the ground, and dance, do porn, do art, have sex, be honest about political reality -- the reality of the polis areas, we might say, as "polis" is root word of "political" -- you know, the cafees, the smoking, the public kissing, the private kissing. Do this then dip into the stars just some minutes pr day, but maintain integrity, protect your third eye, trust the heat of your gut feeling and do simple concrete duties, also boring duties, to anchor yourself in cleanliness and good living, also money-earning good living. For good citizenship is part of the foundation for good religiosity. When you have both walked long and bathed long, it is far easier to meditate, for the matter of reality doesn't irritate the soul, rather, there is the luxury of cleanliness. Doing dutites cleanses your conscience, and so your mind. Being nice, not quarrelsome, and giving generously rather than being stingy when somebody good is in dire straits is part of laying the foundation for meditating good. So is sleeping much, as too little sleep over prolonged time makes a brain come into the possibility of incoherence, in which it doesn't transform back-and-forth between the soul and spirit levels anymore. It is then merely a silly computer, awaiting bodily death of itself. If this is the state the brain is in, it is irreversible, and a person should simply calm down and subsist quietly and as dignified as possible without making any mess and then there is the rebirth ahead, to be optimistically welcomed. But to you whose brain is coherent, you must realise that the ego is feed on a noise that is a residue of a conflict which -- mythically, we might say, -- involved a bit of duality. Mythically, God allowed an element to exist -- an element not partaking of God's intention at all. And so, mythically and really, in the past there was a conflict between good and evil and the collapse of evil equalled the beginning of actual universe, where some slight residue of that conflict exists as part of the free fluctuations of matter. So since humanity is incomplete, in a certain sense, humanity will always be in evolution. A God-believer is then an Evolutionist. Beauty is what survives, more and more beauty. Therefore dance, art, porn, sex, music, love, good stories, honesty, lying when it is polite to do so, good citizenship, duties, money-earning, small companies doing something creative, demoratic elections of local human leaders, beauty contests, exercises, also stamash martial arts, and the policing which exeutes elements that are massively destructive -- all this, without fear, is part of more and more beauty, part of evolution, which never is darwinistic. Rather, the right theory of evolution is synchronistic. Synchronistic evolution, here we come! Anyone, mildly amused, with twinkles, all that, also in the third eyes, and fourth, and fifth -- I wonder where they are, in case? -- third eye, that's high enough number of eyes, I think -- seeing the art of all, the fractals, also of all -- all this fine-tunes the coherence, the wholeness of our brains. Have you noticed that the ear of a pretty girl from some angles, and with some forms of focus, looks like the number 9, but with lips? The lips are just above and under the most inward part of the spiral that 9 is. You see here design by God, intelligent design by God and his muses, his angels: they are thirsty for beauty, and punish those who are pretending that beauty is only subjective and not a question of real proportions. Beauty is essential and health is an expression of the beauty intent, metaphysically spoken, as myth -- but also as a scientific proposition we can neo-popperianistically work into a thousand ways. Your brain has many forms of waves, and most of them are not manifest. Most of the waves of the living brain in the living human being are at the level of super-models, ie.,. they are quantum, and concern the connectedness of brain, nonlocally and by means of fluctuations and more, to soul-level and spirit-level. Some, however, are manifest enough that simple radio-like equipment with coils, such as the ones we can explore in the ELSKETCH.TXT virtual laboratory of electronics (when it is finished), such simple equipment can pick it up. In the dealings with the Second Foundation in Isaac Asimov's Foundation SF-books, the measurements of such brain waves, also in earlier days -- when they came around and were much talked about for some years and was called EEG or electroencephalograms -- such measurements have been improved upon into an imagined set of some tens of thousands of years. They then use it to detect whether some brains are exposed overly much to strong manipulative telepathic currents whether from an imagined master-criminal (The Mule) or from, later on, the Second Foundation that -- again, mostly telpathically -- won over The Mule. And they try to manipulate the manipulators and, as it turns out, even the manipulation of the manipulators were manipulated subtly and with great self-sacrifice by these ethical Second Foundation manipulators. Again and again, in Mr Asimov's genius scifi writings on the Foundation, he makes its people say to each other that the famous Hari Seldon predictions for the proper evolution of humanity will only work out if not too many in the population are aware of the concrete nature of these predictions. Never mind the peculiar shape of the universe -- with, very wrongly, only one big galaxy -- and the peculiar nature of the warp engines there -- which have to be used stepwise over many, many days in order to progress from one point in the universe to another -- again, good for the story but not consistently with the science of warps as I see it -- nor bother about his quite illusionary ideas about the importance and value of nuclear stuff nor about miniatyrization (which is never good when overdone) -- apart from all this, Mr Asimov touched on the subtler activities of the minds of humanity with an intuitive nerve that has been mostly fully lost in to-days's brain researchers (who are doggedly mechanical localist and who have forfeited the opportunity to develop EEG and other measurements which could speak more truly about quantum coherence of the brain). So there are many points of wisdom in what Mr Asimov did: for instance, human intuition mustn't be over-done. That would blow the brain. One can only partake in the natural evolution of humanity (which is, as said, synchronistic) by not trying to over-know it nor, of course!, over-control it. In looking to fine-tuning of your brain waves, then, we are looking not as much to EEG as to the more general and more nonlocal IDEA of waves as connected to the physical living meditative brain. And so, to round this rambling up, I propose to make a little program, a petite program -- perhaps longer than some of the programs we do here in our mini-seminars, but easier to make, for it will have two parts: the first is only the counting of words, and showing of words on the screen -- all ultra-simple really if we use a kind of %MAKE array that we have earlier handled so elegantly in earlier essays. And the second part will be merely to use the wave-exploration we have in one of the earlier essays, drawing waves by means of PEN-LEFT and PEN-DRAW, just slightly modified. The modification will be that instead of the interactor indicating the direction of the waves, instead it will be a combination of a free fluctuation number, you know -- the RFFG or FR stuff we have often used -- with some score results of just how honest the playful and mildly amused interactor seemed to be in the previous second or minute of interaction. We'll ask, int he program, the interactor to tell which of the words are given in plenty and which are given more sparsely. If you like, try it several times to see how each session in terms of a bit of word-counting honesty praxis gives more or less coherent waves, which is a mildly amused illustration of a bit of an idea about brain waves. Don't take it too seriously! Here are some size-reduced blurry images of what the program run might look like -- I don't want to give full-screen sharp images because every program run is different and unique and I don't want to condition the understanding of either the text or the program by a too-sharp image of a particular session -- and then comes the program. Let me just say that sometimes I use words which I forget to talk about before or after, but then look up in such as MTDOC.TXT, or in other examples you find around. For instance, the former essay used PUTPIXEL, I seem to remember. In that program for that talk, we wanted to create a hologram of some static GJP-photos and the PUTPIXEL is the very simplest screen-drawing routine of them all -- input to it X, Y and green color tone. For larger pixels, use RECTFILL, where you give eg the lower left corner X1 Y1 then the upper right corner X2 Y2 then green color tone. I like showing the GJP small because reality is one thing, and photo of reality another. Note that this program actually doesn't really do waves in the soft sine-wave sense as the earlier program could do. As it evolved, -- as we now talk about it, after having made it and worked with it we can rather say this: the FINETUNE.TXT program considers horisontal straight lines to be a summary of coherencies statistically. It also is no longer any simple program. However it is by itself, and of itself, fine-tuned. It is not merely an illustration, it is a category of a type of program that I don't recall having explicitly manifestly given a name for before. Let's find one, and talk about it later. The category for this type of program is "generative", not merely "illustrative". Generative order. Or generative program. The FINETUNE.TXT, and clearly also the HOLOGRAM.TXT, are generative programs, they do more than merely illustrate: they provide a kind of synchronistic order, and can be especially meditative to work with for the artist. And for others. (Who is not an artist?) [[[Look at ../fic3inf3/essay20111020-a.jpg here & now]]] [[[Look at ../fic3inf3/essay20111020-b.jpg here & now]]] }* FINETUNE.TXT WRITTEN BY A.T. with L.A.H., }* }* copyright -- redist. }* }* For essay20111020 in fic3inf3. }* }* * * * ****************WORKAROUND******************************* * * * }* }* * * * HI. ELABORATING ON WHAT IS SAID IN HOLOGRAM.TXT, PLS * * * }* }* * * * PUT IN GOODPAUSE WHEN MUCH SCREEN-UPDATE IS PUSHED * * * }* }* * * * TO THE DOSBOX, RATHER THAN RUSHING IT. * * * }* }* * * * THIS ENSURES MORE STABILITY. NOTE THAT THE F3 ITSELF * * * }* }* * * * IS STABLE, BUT SOME VERSIONS OF DOSBOX REQUIRE THIS. * * * }* }* * * * ABOUT CORRECTIONS OF PROGRAM, DO SUCH AS PUTTING IN * * * }* }* * * * EXTRA A-KEY HERE AND THERE, LOOK FOR SUCH AS HAVING * * * }* }* * * * ENOUGH & AND NOT FORGETTING >>> AND SUCH, AND ALSO PLS * * * }* }* * * * READ THE MANY HINTS ON PROGRAM CORRECTION IN MTDOC. * * * }* }* * * * GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PROGRAMS!!! * * * }* }* * * * ****************WORKAROUND******************************* * * * }* ((DATA HONESTY-SCORE )) ((DATA SPIN-WORDS-LIST 20 ; 6 => %RFFG SPIN-WORDS-LIST <