Aristo Tacoma [[[ESSAY as at Written talk. redist license. Consult published works as at which are containing key concepts connected to what this writer calls 'neopopperian science' and also 'supermodel theory', which involve also perceptive processes -- concepts effortlessly drawn upon here.]]] THE HOLOGRAPHIC PARADIGM AND OTHER NON-PARADOXES -- An essay giving also a simple software (program) idea or image of what a hologram is, to shed light on how consciousness relates to our brains [[[Please also get the 2 pictures as found at to view as mentioned within.]]] [[[To learn from the program by playing with it, please also get the program file and the three image files and start up with typing F3 and lineshift, then type :HOLOGRAM IN and press lineshift, with the files all in C:\BOEHM\BOEHMIAN in a normal f3 dosbox as set up as described]]] ---Pls note very useful workaround comment as addition to MTDOC.TXT manual (or F3DOCS) inside the beginning of the HOLOGRAM.TXT program. THE HOLOGRAPHIC PARADIGM AND OTHER NON-PARADOXES When your brain is whole, pure, undamaged, nourished well by experience, healthy exercise, sex, dance, walking, conversation and nutritious bits of food, then it handles your consciousness -- in all its levels -- really well. This we can say without trying to reduce consciousness merely to what is going on in the brain or in the body as a whole (the brain being deeply intertwined with all of the body). So the healthy brain relates to healthy consciousness. Your experience of the beauty of the fresh, sun-kissed face and body of a friend, and of waves, the scents that drift around the corners, all that goes into making a city area vibrant with life, as well as natural experiences such as of water waves, and also the experience of the spring in your own step when you are in love with dance, with beauty, with what's going on in the evening, and with thinking, meditating, reading and making your own notes and generating insights -- all this loveliness is part of consciousness. And consciousness in its flowerful flow and moods and springrich levels is deeply intertwined with the brain. So it's important to have a good brain. And so there is a so-called holographic theory, which when handled as I do (cfr archive news section page 10), keeps on generating reliable insights into this relationship between the brain and consciousness. So the holographic paradigm -- the word "paradigm" meaning a rather standard or ideal model or pattern -- it enfolds a lot our insights into how both brain and consciousness work. It is then no paradox, in other words, no contradiction in itself, that the brain is a tight structure between our ears and consciousness in a sense is all over the place. A hologram program comes next. I have in mind to make it by means of three long elegant slim ankles of dancers walking while photographed, I mean to say -- three photographs, handled by OILER.TXT program (it is in the main list at and also, stored as .GJP. These are so that when they are shown rather swiftly, they suggest a walking movement, but it is part of first-hand programming to avoid concealing a switch-over, and so we do not show them so fast that there is any blurring of movement. Each GJP (GraceJintu Photo packed image format) image has 40,000 points (200x200) or pixels or small squares or dots on the screen each capable of holding any of a variation of 64 strengths of bright green relative to black. Bright green always gives youth a chance to blossom when an image is rendered to it-- hair, skin, eyes, environment, all looks lovely and it is the only monochromatic rendering of photos which is so systematically generous to youth and beauty. So three .GJP images are given alongside this essay and its program, ready to be read in and portrayed by the program so as to explain holograms and holographic movement. On the bottom of the screen you'll see, meshed into one single tight 'brain'-like structure aspects of the light that represent aspects of all three GJP-photos together, in a way that could well have formed part of how they might be stored (this can be done with greater detail than here, but the holographic principle is perfectly well applied in the HOLOGRAM.TXT program). As you move the mouse back and forth and around, you wil be able to create, towards some vague degree, some view of all three GJP-photos -- built pixel-by-pixel as you move your mouse over the hologram (or what counts for hologram in this talk). Imagine this is somewhat similar to memory -- a memory of something lovely gradually coming back, more and more vividly. All your brain -- or, more precisely, neurons and the smaller glia cells, and their activation waves and chemical components, alongside cells also in the heart and gut and muscles and senses and other areas and organs -- also sexual organs -- partake in building up the whole appearance of the experience from within. The beginning of the movement, the completion, and what's in the middle may perfectly well be enfolded together. That's the holographic non-paradoxial paradigm for understanding the relationship between the material structure of brain and the exotic esotheric etheral sense of consciousness, as far as I'm concerned. Click on the mouse and a relatively quick way of showing the GJPs completely, with a pause in between each, is taking place instead. In this case, we move our focus from how the in-formation is stored to what it is that is stored. The higher speed and higher completeness focusses on the ankles and model-pretty feet instead of on the tight combination of pixels (photons). Click on the right button on the mouse instead of the ordinary left button and the program exits. Let me note, before you get this program, where I have played a little bit with numbers and arithmetic in order to get a reasonably swell-looking presentation on the screen, purely by intuition, that the original technological device made out of some photographic chemical plates and some light brought into consistency (laser) by re-shining it back and forth in a ruby-red crystal, with some elements of half-mirroring the beam of consistent light to make a wave pattern related to an object photographed -- all that is needlessly full of cumbersome details relative to the lightness of the image that we need to keep in mind to make sense of the idea of the hologram. The idea is well enough shown by the program if you play with it -- well enough, that is, relative to the notion of hologram or the holographic as applied to brain and consciousness. Which is certainly a nonparadox. Before you get the program -- and be sure you also get the three .GJP's for it, listed together with this in essay form listed at fic3inf3.htm within fic3 folder in, -- I'll give you something which playfully is a paradox -- or a couple of them, woven into one (have you heard it before? I tend to tell it often :-) Who eats the vegetarian who eats all vegetarians who does not eat themselves? Does this vegetarian eat herself? This is a kind of self-moisturising thought, depending on suitable interpretation of the word 'eat'. [[[Look at ../fic3inf3/essay20111018-a.jpg here & now]]] [[[Look at ../fic3inf3/essay20111018-b.jpg here & now]]] }* HOLOGRAM.TXT WRITTEN BY A.T. with L.A.H., }* }* copyright -- redist. }* }* For essay20111018 in fic3inf3. }* }* Permanently at }* }* and be sure you also get the three .GJP files }* }* that it must have to work, they are here: }* }* WALK2.GJP WALK3.GJP }* }* This program makes use of the a bit unusual }* }* routines found in IT.TXT, in order to provide }* }* more fluid speed to the walking girl. }* }* The data is loaded twice: once to show the }* }* possibility of the holographic distribution }* }* as tightly holding several viewpoints }* }* (image-triplet, vaguely indicated by mouse- }* }* motion, and the other way sharply to show it }* }* for the sake of focussing on the content. }* }* Note that the distribution -- holism -- in }* }* how the 3 images are entwined on the screen is }* }* in this particular example not followed up in }* }* in terms of changing how they are organised }* }* in the RAM of f3. But the relationship between }* }* the mouse-movement over one holistic }* }* creative original rendering so as to unfold }* }* all three motion aspects is perfeclty genuine. }* }* *****************WORKAROUND******************* }* }* Pls mentally add this to the MTDOC.TXT manual: }* }* WORKAROUND: FOR SOME FORMS OF DOSBOX, WHEN }* }* THE MOUSE HAS BEEN ACTIVATED BY SHOWMOUSE }* }* (OR ITS SYNONYM FEET), THEN MAKE SURE YOU PUT }* }* SOMETHING LIKE GOODPAUSE TO GOOD USE IN A GOUP }* }* LOOP -- RATHER THAN USING EG A-KEY OR KEYNUM }* }* WHEN IT IS A WAIT FOR FURTHER ACTION FROM THE }* }* PERSON USING THE PROGRAM. THIS LITTLE DELAY }* }* WILL MAKE SURE DOSBOX DOESN'T SPIN OUT OF }* }* ITS OWN TIMING WHEN MOUSE POINTER IS SHOWING. }* }* THIS WORKAROUND SEEMS TO APPLY GENERALLY, FOR }* }* THE DOSBOX74 (AT LEAST), BUT I NOTICED WHEN }* }* MAKING THIS PROGRAM. PLS MAKE NOTE OF IT. TKS! }* }* ********************************************** }* ((DATA ASPECT1 )) ((DATA ASPECT2 )) ((DATA ASPECT3 )) ((DATA QUANTUM1 200 ; 200 => RAM-PM QUANTUM1 < RAM-PM QUANTUM2 < RAM-PM QUANTUM3 < >N1 )) (( RAM-SECTOR-ENABLE => >N2 )) (( RAM-SECTOR-ENABLE => >N3 )) (( N1 ASPECT1 < GJP-CLEANSE )) (( N2 => GJP-CLEANSE )) (( N3 => GJP-CLEANSE )) (( }WALK1.GJP} ; N1 => GJP-FILE-TO-RAM-SECTOR ; RM )) (( }WALK1.GJP} ; QUANTUM1 >>> => GJPFILE2PM ; RM )) (( }WALK2.GJP} ; N2 => GJP-FILE-TO-RAM-SECTOR ; RM )) (( }WALK2.GJP} ; QUANTUM2 >>> => GJPFILE2PM ; RM )) (( }WALK3.GJP} ; N3 => GJP-FILE-TO-RAM-SECTOR ; RM )) (( }WALK3.GJP} ; QUANTUM3 >>> => GJPFILE2PM ; RM )) )) OK) (LET SHOW-HER BE (( )) (( (( 4 (COUNT (( 412 ; 1 ; ASPECT1 >>> => PAINT-GJP )) (( 500 => GOODPAUSE )) (( 412 ; 1 ; ASPECT2 >>> => PAINT-GJP )) (( 500 => GOODPAUSE )) (( 412 ; 1 ; ASPECT3 >>> => PAINT-GJP )) (( 500 => GOODPAUSE )) COUNTUP) )) )) OK) (LET CONSTRUCT-HOLOGRAM BE (( )) (( (( QUANTUM1 >>> => & )) (( QUANTUM2 >>> => & )) (( QUANTUM3 >>> => & )) (( FT )) (( 65 (COUNT (( 65 (COUNT (( N1 ; 3 => MUL => >N10 )) (( N3 ; 3 => MUL => >N11 )) (( N10 ; N11 ; 567 => ADD ; N11 ; N10 ; ### => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) (( N10 INC ; N11 ; 567 => ADD ; N10 ; 201 ; N11 => SUB ; ## => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) (( N10 ; N11 ; 568 => ADD ; 201 ; N10 => SUB ; N11 ; # => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( FEET )) (( && && && )) )) OK) (LET SHOW-ASPECT-BY-THIS-LIGHT BE (( >N9 >N8 )) (( (( QUANTUM1 >>> => & )) (( QUANTUM2 >>> => & )) (( QUANTUM3 >>> => & )) (( FT )) (( N8 => >N1 )) (( N9 ; 567 => SUB => >N2 )) (( N1 ; 19 => MOD => INC => >N1 )) (( N2 ; 19 => MOD => INC => >N2 )) (( 18 (COUNT (( 18 (COUNT (( N1 ; 10 => MUL ; N5 => ADD => >N10 )) (( N3 ; 10 => MUL ; N6 => ADD => >N11 )) (( N10 ; N11 ; 367 => ADD ; N10 ; N11 ; ### => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) (( N10 ; 200 => ADD ; N11 ; 367 => ADD ; N10 ; N11 ; ## => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) N10 ; 400 => ADD ; N11 ; 367 => ADD ; N10 ; N11 ; # => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( FEET )) (( && && && )) )) OK) (LET LET-HOLOGRAM-BE-ACTIVE BE (( )) (( (( GOLABEL1: (( MOUSEXY => >N9 >N8 )) (( N8 ; 10 ; 175 => WITH N9 ; 570 ; 750 => WITH => AND ; (MATCHED (( N8 ; N9 => SHOW-ASPECT-BY-THIS-LIGHT )) MATCHED) )) (( 100 => GOODPAUSE )) (( MOUSECLICK = FT SHOW-HER FEET === )) (( MOUSECLICKR => NOT = GOUP1 === )) )) OK) (LET HOLOGRAM BE (( )) (( (( INITIALISE-HOLOGRAM )) (( }***Hi. HOLOGRAM about to start up.} => POP )) (( }Hope WALK1.GJP WALK2.GJP WALK3.GJP are in place.} => POP )) (( }Allow mixed pixels to build up bottom side of slowly.} => POP )) (( }Then move mouse over it to express holoaspects,} => POP )) (( }click mouse long to focus movement. Right-click} => POP )) (( }is exit. Generally, for f3 in Dosbox, when f3 is in a} => POP )) (( }part of the screen and other things also show,} => POP )) (( }a first click on the mouse inside f3 is necessary} => POP )) (( }to activate the mouse for f3 -- and CTR-F10 will} => POP )) (( }release it again. This is easier in fullscreen-mode. } => POP )) (( ENTERPLS )) (( CLS )) (( }Some more info. For fullscreen, the ALT-key (or ALTGR)} => POP )) (( }combined with the lineshift (ENTER) creates a} => POP )) (( }fullscreen f3, which is generally more pleasing} => POP )) (( }for the computers that can offer that option.} => POP )) (( }Any some 'status info' for Dosbox with error-} => POP )) (( }looking messages can safely be ignored when doing f3.} => POP )) (( }Ideas of HOLOGRAM.TXT indicated in essay20111018} => POP )) (( }as found at and} => POP )) (( }also Good luck} => POP )) (( }in understanding consciousness!!! -- Aristo with L.A.H.} => POP )) (( }You want to have a look at the program now running} => POP )) (( }before we go on? It has some good remarks in the} => POP )) (( }beginning. Press SPACE to go to the next pages,} => POP )) (( }and the letter Q to quit listing the program and} => POP )) (( }proceed running it. Here's the program HOLOGRAM.TXT:} => POP )) (( ENTERPLS )) (( :HOLOGRAM.TXT => MORE )) (( STARS )) (( ENTERPLS )) (( GJ-ON )) (( 1 ; 1 ; 1024 ; 768 ; 158 => RECTFILL )) (( CONSTRUCT-HOLOGRAM )) (( SHOWMOUSE )) (( LET-HOLOGRAM-BE-ACTIVE )) (( UNSHOWMOUSE )) (( GJ-DONE )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK )) (LET AUTOSTART BE HOLOGRAM OK)