Aristo Tacoma [[[ESSAY as at Written talk. redist license. Consult published works as at which are containing key concepts connected to what this writer calls 'neopopperian science' and also 'supermodel theory', which involve also perceptive processes -- concepts effortlessly drawn upon here.]]] THE MOSAIC OF THINKING -- with a simple mosiac-making formalism in f3 [[[Please also get the 2 pictures as found at to view as mentioned within.]]] Everyone of us has consciousness. And when you experience anything, expect anything, or think about anything, you do so with all sorts of -- background ideas, if you know what I mean. When you put on some shoes and step out of the door, you have the background idea or assumption that there is a solid ground there and ordinarily, that works out well, right? For any given action there are so many such background or "tacit" or "implicit" ideas or thoughts or notions or assumptions. Not only for practical actions, but our very feelings are tied up to such assumptions, tacit or hidden or subconscious. So when you experience the joy of -- whatever it is that you experiences as joyous -- it triggers happily a whole range, a whole horizon of perhaps wholesome, good ideas, and your mind feels coherent, your body feels whole, coherent, your life feels, at that moment, coherent. And that can be a meditation, and from prayer you can come to more meditations, reverent of the greatness beyond human greatness, beyond indeed all your manifest world. In the depth of your mind, then, lies what we can call a mosaic of assumptions. When they all fit together at least fairly well, your life may feel like a fairy tale, light and lovely. And so at other times, you must be very ready not just to march in demonstrations against other people, against imagined enemies, but you must also enquire -- I am needlessly tied up in hoping too much for such and such, or needlessly tied up in fearing too much this or that, is this at the background of at least a bit of the present non-joyous state of mind I am in? And so you learn to watch, to enquire, to give attention, and your mind rebuilds a more proper mosaic of assumptions, a more holistic net of thoughts, hopefully better attuned to reality, less composed of illusions which are shattered by experience. At occasions like these, I like to suggest that we also do a bit of number-love, a bit of f3 formalism work, so as to sharpen some of the edges of our minds. I suggest that we look at the notion of mosaic, as illustration in a very simple, and highly abstract way of showing to ourselves at least one aspect of what it is that "thoughts fit together as a whole". Let us be aware that for a very good reason, when we talk over these things initially, we do not equip our sentences with cartoons or funny diagrams because we must allow our minds to go deeper than that, and play with a richness of possible perspectives. But then, in going to the computer and the lovely Lisa GJ2 Fic3 programming language that I have made for you to do just the type of thing we're doing here, we pick out just some slight bits of our thoughts, and make them more abstract, and then find some numbers or some graphical forms which fit a little bit with those abstract or general or vague ideas. Having done this much, we can get more perceptions, later, when we look back at all this. There is a kind of interplay or "co-play" in between an informal discussion with an intent of enlightening enquiry into reality, and a formlism like the f3 formalism we're going to do next ("f3" is a short-hand way of saying Lisa GJ2 Fic3). So I propose we are going to make a program called something such as MOZ3.TXT, so that you can start up a good dosbox on a computer, then type F3 and press ENTER to get the language itself activated and responsive to you as programmer, and then you can type :moz3 in or the same in uppercase, when the graphics bright green will start up -- the type of thing GJ-ON does, inside the program we'll make, and this graphics will continue until GJ-DONE (or until DONE-GRAPHICS, but GJ-DONE is easier, for it also completes the performance, whereas we have to put in something like XO or RAM-REFRESH after DONE-GRAPHICS to get the program to exit). In this graphics, we will have let's say rows of ten rather square and, apart for a variation of just three types of edges, rather similar mosaic stones. We can draw stones with PEN-DRAW and switch angle by PEN-LEFT. I imagine that we have type 1, a line that has an outward turn, then switching angle and having an inward turn, rather like the < character, and type 2, a straight line, and type 3, the complementary type of 1, namely much like the > character. Our squares have selected freely -- by free fluctuation generation, relatively free fluctuation generation (RFFG, or FR) -- lines of any of the three types, 1, 2 or 3. So MOZ3 will draw a row of free new mosaic stones at the bottommost position on the screen first. The neighbouring lines must match -- type 1 to type 1, type 2 to type 2, type 3 to type 3. So we must have a variable that remembers the RECENT-RIGHTMOST-LINE. This we make by the definition ((DATA RECENT-RIGHTMOST-LINE )) Whenever we define anything like some such ((DATA .. )) or (( VARSTRING .. )) (for texts), or RAM-PM (as matrices), or %MAKE (for the simpler cousin of matrices, when we have just one series of numbers, rather than a matrix with both rows and columns), it is sometimes necessary to think about how to get the right starting-value for these. But on this occasion, I think it is going to be just a matter of (( RECENT-RIGHTMOST-LINE => SETBASIS )) that is to say, to get it to basis (to zero), and then we check whether it is basis by the word VISBASIS inside the loop. If it is basis, we can select any one of the line types. If it has a value -- it is positive, it ISPRO, then we use that line type. The same type of thing we'll do for the next row above the bottommost row, when it comes to deciding the line-types underneath the new row of squares -- here, we must have something like an array, perhaps like ((DATA TOP-LINE-OF-SQUARES 10 => %MAKE TOP-LINE-OF-SQUARES < %MAKE TOP-LINE-OF-SQUARES <N1 )) (( (( N1 => ISBASIS (MATCHED (( ^3 FR GETV => >N1 )) MATCHED) )) (( N1 => => )) )) OK) (LET DRAW-THIS-TYPE-1-2-OR-3 BE (( >N3 )) (( (( N3 ; 1 => EQN (MATCHED (( 200 => PEN-LEFT )) (( 17 => PEN-DRAW )) (( 3600 ; 400 => SUB => PEN-LEFT )) (( 17 => PEN-DRAW )) (( 200 => PEN-LEFT )) MATCHED) )) (( N3 ; 2 => EQN )) (MATCHED (( 32 => PEN-DRAW )) MATCHED) )) (( N3 ; 3 => EQN )) (MATCHED (( 3600 ; 200 => SUB => PEN-LEFT )) (( 17 => PEN-DRAW )) (( 400 => PEN-LEFT )) (( 17 => PEN-DRAW )) (( 3600 ; 200 => SUB => PEN-LEFT )) MATCHED) )) )) OK) (LET SWITCH-DIRECTION-OF-TYPE BE (( >N7 )) (( (( N7 ; 2 => EQN = 2 => => ; EXIT === )) (( N7 ; 3 => EQN = 1 => => == 3 => => === )) )) OK) (LET DRAW-LEFT-LINE BE (( >N1 )) (( (( 1800 => PEN-LEFT )) (( N1 => SWITCH-DIRECTION-OF-TYPE => DRAW-THIS-TYPE-1-2-OR-3 )) )) OK) (LET DRAW-FLOOR-LINE BE (( >N1 )) (( (( 900 => PEN-LEFT )) (( N1 => SWITCH-DIRECTION-OF-TYPE => DRAW-THIS-TYPE-1-2-OR-3 )) )) OK) (LET DRAW-RIGHT-LINE BE (( )) (( (( 3 => FUNNYRFFG => >N8 )) (( 900 => PEN-LEFT )) (( N8 => DRAW-THIS-TYPE-1-2-OR-3 )) (( N8 => => )) )) OK) (LET DRAW-CEILING-LINE BE (( )) (( (( 3 => FUNNYRFFG => >N5 )) (( 900 => PEN-LEFT )) (( N5 => DRAW-THIS-TYPE-1-2-OR-3 )) (( N5 => => )) )) OK) (LET MAKE-MOSAIC BE (( )) (( (( TOP-LINE-OF-SQUARES >>> => & )) (( 10 (COUNT (( RECENT-RIGHT-LINE => SETBASIS )) (( 650 ; (( N1 ; 55 => MUL )) => SUB PEN-Y < MUL PEN-X <>> => IF-ZERO-THEN-TYPE-1-2-OR-3 => DRAW-LEFT-LINE )) (( N1 ; # => %GET => => IF-ZERO-THEN-TYPE-1-2-OR-3 => DRAW-FLOOR-LINE )) (( DRAW-RIGHT-LINE RECENT-RIGHT-LINE < %PUT )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( && )) )) OK) (LET MOZ3 BE (( )) (( (( GJ-ON )) (( PEN-ORIGO )) (( PEN-STRAIGHT-UP )) (( MAKE-MOSAIC )) (( FT A-KEY )) (( GJ-DONE )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK )) (LET AUTOSTART BE MOZ3 OK)