}* HOLOGRAM.TXT WRITTEN BY A.T. with L.A.H., }* }* Yoga4d.org/cfdl.txt copyright -- redist. }* }* For essay20111018 in fic3inf3. }* }* Permanently at norskesites.org/HOLOGRAM.TXT }* }* and be sure you also get the three .GJP files }* }* that it must have to work, they are here: }* }* norskesites.org/WALK1.GJP WALK2.GJP WALK3.GJP }* }* This program makes use of the a bit unusual }* }* routines found in IT.TXT, in order to provide }* }* more fluid speed to the walking girl. }* }* The data is loaded twice: once to show the }* }* possibility of the holographic distribution }* }* as tightly holding several viewpoints }* }* (image-triplet, vaguely indicated by mouse- }* }* motion, and the other way sharply to show it }* }* for the sake of focussing on the content. }* }* Note that the distribution -- holism -- in }* }* how the 3 images are entwined on the screen is }* }* in this particular example not followed up in }* }* in terms of changing how they are organised }* }* in the RAM of f3. But the relationship between }* }* the mouse-movement over one holistic }* }* creative original rendering so as to unfold }* }* all three motion aspects is perfeclty genuine. }* }* *****************WORKAROUND******************* }* }* Pls mentally add this to the MTDOC.TXT manual: }* }* WORKAROUND: FOR SOME FORMS OF DOSBOX, WHEN }* }* THE MOUSE HAS BEEN ACTIVATED BY SHOWMOUSE }* }* (OR ITS SYNONYM FEET), THEN MAKE SURE YOU PUT }* }* SOMETHING LIKE GOODPAUSE TO GOOD USE IN A GOUP }* }* LOOP -- RATHER THAN USING EG A-KEY OR KEYNUM }* }* WHEN IT IS A WAIT FOR FURTHER ACTION FROM THE }* }* PERSON USING THE PROGRAM. THIS LITTLE DELAY }* }* WILL MAKE SURE DOSBOX DOESN'T SPIN OUT OF }* }* ITS OWN TIMING WHEN MOUSE POINTER IS SHOWING. }* }* THIS WORKAROUND SEEMS TO APPLY GENERALLY, FOR }* }* THE DOSBOX74 (AT LEAST), BUT I NOTICED WHEN }* }* MAKING THIS PROGRAM. PLS MAKE NOTE OF IT. TKS! }* }* ********************************************** }* ((DATA ASPECT1 )) ((DATA ASPECT2 )) ((DATA ASPECT3 )) ((DATA QUANTUM1 200 ; 200 => RAM-PM QUANTUM1 < RAM-PM QUANTUM2 < RAM-PM QUANTUM3 < >N1 )) (( RAM-SECTOR-ENABLE => >N2 )) (( RAM-SECTOR-ENABLE => >N3 )) (( N1 ASPECT1 < GJP-CLEANSE )) (( N2 => GJP-CLEANSE )) (( N3 => GJP-CLEANSE )) (( }WALK1.GJP} ; N1 => GJP-FILE-TO-RAM-SECTOR ; RM )) (( }WALK1.GJP} ; QUANTUM1 >>> => GJPFILE2PM ; RM )) (( }WALK2.GJP} ; N2 => GJP-FILE-TO-RAM-SECTOR ; RM )) (( }WALK2.GJP} ; QUANTUM2 >>> => GJPFILE2PM ; RM )) (( }WALK3.GJP} ; N3 => GJP-FILE-TO-RAM-SECTOR ; RM )) (( }WALK3.GJP} ; QUANTUM3 >>> => GJPFILE2PM ; RM )) )) OK) (LET SHOW-HER BE (( )) (( (( 4 (COUNT (( 412 ; 1 ; ASPECT1 >>> => PAINT-GJP )) (( 500 => GOODPAUSE )) (( 412 ; 1 ; ASPECT2 >>> => PAINT-GJP )) (( 500 => GOODPAUSE )) (( 412 ; 1 ; ASPECT3 >>> => PAINT-GJP )) (( 500 => GOODPAUSE )) COUNTUP) )) )) OK) (LET CONSTRUCT-HOLOGRAM BE (( )) (( (( QUANTUM1 >>> => & )) (( QUANTUM2 >>> => & )) (( QUANTUM3 >>> => & )) (( FT )) (( 65 (COUNT (( 65 (COUNT (( N1 ; 3 => MUL => >N10 )) (( N3 ; 3 => MUL => >N11 )) (( N10 ; N11 ; 567 => ADD ; N11 ; N10 ; ### => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) (( N10 INC ; N11 ; 567 => ADD ; N10 ; 201 ; N11 => SUB ; ## => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) (( N10 ; N11 ; 568 => ADD ; 201 ; N10 => SUB ; N11 ; # => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( FEET )) (( && && && )) )) OK) (LET SHOW-ASPECT-BY-THIS-LIGHT BE (( >N9 >N8 )) (( (( QUANTUM1 >>> => & )) (( QUANTUM2 >>> => & )) (( QUANTUM3 >>> => & )) (( FT )) (( N8 => >N1 )) (( N9 ; 567 => SUB => >N2 )) (( N1 ; 19 => MOD => INC => >N1 )) (( N2 ; 19 => MOD => INC => >N2 )) (( 18 (COUNT (( 18 (COUNT (( N1 ; 10 => MUL ; N5 => ADD => >N10 )) (( N3 ; 10 => MUL ; N6 => ADD => >N11 )) (( N10 ; N11 ; 367 => ADD ; N10 ; N11 ; ### => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) (( N10 ; 200 => ADD ; N11 ; 367 => ADD ; N10 ; N11 ; ## => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) N10 ; 400 => ADD ; N11 ; 367 => ADD ; N10 ; N11 ; # => GM ; => PUTPIXEL )) COUNTUP) )) COUNTUP) )) (( FEET )) (( && && && )) )) OK) (LET LET-HOLOGRAM-BE-ACTIVE BE (( )) (( (( GOLABEL1: (( MOUSEXY => >N9 >N8 )) (( N8 ; 10 ; 175 => WITH N9 ; 570 ; 750 => WITH => AND ; (MATCHED (( N8 ; N9 => SHOW-ASPECT-BY-THIS-LIGHT )) MATCHED) )) (( 100 => GOODPAUSE )) (( MOUSECLICK = FT SHOW-HER FEET === )) (( MOUSECLICKR => NOT = GOUP1 === )) )) OK) (LET HOLOGRAM BE (( )) (( (( INITIALISE-HOLOGRAM )) (( }***Hi. HOLOGRAM about to start up.} => POP )) (( }Hope WALK1.GJP WALK2.GJP WALK3.GJP are in place.} => POP )) (( }Allow mixed pixels to build up bottom side of slowly.} => POP )) (( }Then move mouse over it to express holoaspects,} => POP )) (( }click mouse long to focus movement. Right-click} => POP )) (( }is exit. Generally, for f3 in Dosbox, when f3 is in a} => POP )) (( }part of the screen and other things also show,} => POP )) (( }a first click on the mouse inside f3 is necessary} => POP )) (( }to activate the mouse for f3 -- and CTR-F10 will} => POP )) (( }release it again. This is easier in fullscreen-mode. } => POP )) (( ENTERPLS )) (( CLS )) (( }Some more info. For fullscreen, the ALT-key (or ALTGR)} => POP )) (( }combined with the lineshift (ENTER) creates a} => POP )) (( }fullscreen f3, which is generally more pleasing} => POP )) (( }for the computers that can offer that option.} => POP )) (( }Any some 'status info' for Dosbox with error-} => POP )) (( }looking messages can safely be ignored when doing f3.} => POP )) (( }Ideas of HOLOGRAM.TXT indicated in essay20111018} => POP )) (( }as found at www.norskesites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm and} => POP )) (( }also www.moscowsites.org/fic3/fic3inf3.htm. Good luck} => POP )) (( }in understanding consciousness!!! -- Aristo with L.A.H.} => POP )) (( }You want to have a look at the program now running} => POP )) (( }before we go on? It has some good remarks in the} => POP )) (( }beginning. Press SPACE to go to the next pages,} => POP )) (( }and the letter Q to quit listing the program and} => POP )) (( }proceed running it. Here's the program HOLOGRAM.TXT:} => POP )) (( ENTERPLS )) (( :HOLOGRAM.TXT => MORE )) (( STARS )) (( ENTERPLS )) (( GJ-ON )) (( 1 ; 1 ; 1024 ; 768 ; 158 => RECTFILL )) (( CONSTRUCT-HOLOGRAM )) (( SHOWMOUSE )) (( LET-HOLOGRAM-BE-ACTIVE )) (( UNSHOWMOUSE )) (( GJ-DONE )) )) OK) (( LOOKSTK )) (LET AUTOSTART BE HOLOGRAM OK)